Unlocking India’s Biofuel Potential While Addressing Feedstock Challenges


India is on a path to transforming its energy landscape by embracing biofuels as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. As the country seeks to reduce its dependence on imported oil and cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, biofuels, particularly ethanol, are becoming a key part of this strategy. However, as India pursues its biofuel ambitions. It faces significant challenges, especially when it comes to sourcing the feedstock needed to produce ethanol. One of the most pressing concerns is the “fuel vs. food” debate, . This raises questions about the sustainability of using food crops for fuel production. Fortunately, advancements in second-generation (2G) ethanol offer a promising solution that could help India overcome these challenges.

 The Fuel vs. Food Debate: A Complex Challenge

Ethanol, a type of biofuel, is primarily produced from crops like sugarcane, corn, and other food grains. In India, sugarcane is the main source of ethanol. While this has helped India make progress in its ethanol blending targets. It has also sparked concerns about the impact on food security. The “fuel vs. food” debate centres around the ethical dilemma of using valuable food crops to produce fuel instead of feeding the population.

In a country like India, where agriculture is the backbone of the economy. A significant portion of the population depends on it for their livelihood, diverting food crops to produce fuel can have serious implications. It can lead to higher food prices, reduced availability of essential food items. Also strain on agricultural resources like water and land. This is particularly concerning given that India is home to a large and growing population that needs access to affordable food.

India is making solid progress towards its goal of mixing 20% ethanol with petrol by 2025-26. This is based on the blending milestones achieved so far and the boost in ethanol production capacity. Still, the debate over food versus fuel is a hot topic in the ethanol sector, especially with recent developments. For instance, maize imports have surged from April to June this year compared to last year. As more maize is being used to produce fuel ethanol due to limits on sugarcane usage. However, industry experts believe that India has plenty of grain and sugar reserves. 

Enter 2G Ethanol: A Sustainable Alternative

Second-generation (2G) ethanol presents a sustainable solution to the challenges posed by first-generation (1G) ethanol. This is derived from food crops. 2G ethanol is produced from non-food biomass, such as agricultural residues . It includes straw, husks, and stalks. Also forestry waste, and other organic materials that are not part of the food chain. This means that 2G ethanol production does not compete with food production. Thus making it a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option.

In 2018-19, the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) ran some tests on BS-III and BS-VI buses. This is done to check out how they performed, their emissions, and how durable they were when using ethanol-blended diesel. After 500 hours of testing, they didn’t encounter any significant issues. Also they noticed that the fuel consumption was a bit less compared to regular gasoline.

In addition to avoiding the fuel vs. food conflict, 2G ethanol has other significant benefits. One of the major advantages is its potential to reduce pollution. In India, agricultural residues are often burned in the open, leading to severe air pollution, particularly in North India. By converting these residues into ethanol, 2G technology not only helps in reducing the environmental impact of crop residue burning. But also provides farmers with additional income.

The Growing Demand for Ethanol: Blending with Diesel

India’s ethanol blending program primarily focuses on blending ethanol with petrol. However, the government is now exploring the possibility of blending ethanol with diesel as well. There are plans to introduce a 5% ethanol blend in diesel, which could significantly increase the demand for ethanol. Diesel is widely used in India, particularly in the transportation and agricultural sectors, so even a small percentage blend can lead to a substantial increase in ethanol consumption.

While this move is a step forward in reducing India’s carbon footprint, it also presents a challenge. That is meeting the growing demand for ethanol. Currently, India’s ethanol production relies heavily on sugarcane. This may not be sufficient to meet the needs of both petrol and diesel blending programs. This is where 2G ethanol becomes essential. By utilising biomass and agricultural waste, 2G ethanol can help bridge the gap between supply and demand. Therefore ensuring that India can meet its biofuel targets without compromising food security.

India’s Strategy: Expanding 2G Ethanol Production

Recognizing the importance of 2G ethanol, the Indian government has taken steps to promote its production. Several 2G ethanol plants are being set up across the country, supported by both government and private sector investments. These plants will use advanced technologies to convert agricultural residues and other non-food biomass into ethanol, providing a steady supply of biofuel while also supporting the agricultural economy.

The government has also introduced policies and incentives to encourage the use of 2G ethanol. For instance, it has set a target to achieve 20% ethanol blending in petrol by 2025 and is pushing for greater adoption of 2G ethanol to meet this target. Additionally, efforts are being made to streamline the supply chain for biomass collection and processing, ensuring that the raw materials needed for 2G ethanol production are readily available.

Boosting the growth of 2G biofuels is going to take a team effort from everyone involved in the feedstock supply chain. It’s time for policymakers to step up and create proactive strategies to tackle the specific issues we’ve discussed. To kick things off, establishing a clear national goal for 2G biofuels could really spark some positive and coordinated actions among various stakeholders. For example, the Central Government could update its ethanol roadmap and include a specific percentage of 2G biofuels in the blending target for 2025. Plus, we should also set targets for other biofuels like compressed biogas and sustainable aviation fuel to make the most of the tech advancements happening in the country.

Conclusion: A Sustainable Path Forward

India’s journey towards a sustainable energy future is marked by both challenges and opportunities. The transition to biofuels, particularly ethanol, is a crucial part of this journey, but it must be done in a way that balances the need for energy with the need for food security. The “fuel vs. food” debate highlights the complexities of this transition, but advancements in 2G ethanol offer a promising way forward.

By focusing on 2G ethanol, India can unlock its biofuel potential while addressing the feedstock challenges that come with it. This approach not only avoids the pitfalls of using food crops for fuel but also helps reduce pollution and supports the agricultural sector. As India moves towards blending ethanol with both petrol and diesel, the role of 2G ethanol will become increasingly important. With the right policies, investments, and technological advancements, India can achieve its biofuel goals in a way that is both sustainable and inclusive.

The Economics of Flex Fuel: Is It Worth the Investment?


As the world increasingly turns its attention toward sustainable energy solutions, the automotive industry plays a crucial role in driving this transformation. Flex fuel vehicles (FFVs), which can run on both gasoline and ethanol blends, have emerged recently. It is a potential solution to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. However, while the environmental benefits of flex fuel vehicles are clear, the economic aspects—both for individual consumers and the broader economy—are more complex. This blog explores whether investing in flex fuel vehicles is truly worth it from an economic perspective.

Understanding Flex Fuel Vehicles

Flex fuel vehicles are designed to operate on more than one type of fuel. Mostly a blend of gasoline and ethanol is used. The most popular blend is E85, which consists of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline, though FFVs can also run on other mixtures, including regular gasoline. The flexibility of these vehicles lies in their ability to automatically adjust their fuel injection and ignition timing. This is to accommodate varying ethanol levels, allowing drivers to switch between fuel types without any modifications.

Upfront Costs: A Small Premium for Flexibility

When considering the purchase of a flex fuel vehicle, one of the first factors to evaluate is the upfront cost. Typically, FFVs are priced slightly higher than their gasoline-only counterparts due to the additional technology required to handle ethanol. This includes specialized fuel lines, sensors, and engine components designed to withstand the corrosive nature of ethanol.

However, the price difference is generally modest. In many cases, the cost premium for an FFV is only a few hundred dollars more than a similar gasoline-only model. This minimal increase in price makes FFVs an accessible option for consumers who are looking to invest in a more environmentally friendly vehicle without breaking the bank.

Fuel Prices: The Key Economics of flex fuel

The most significant economic factor influencing the viability of flex fuel vehicles is the cost of fuel. Ethanol, particularly E85, is often less expensive per gallon than regular gasoline. However, ethanol contains less energy per gallon. Which means that vehicles running on E85 will typically have lower fuel economy than those running on pure gasoline. This decrease in miles per gallon can offset the lower cost of ethanol. Thus making it crucial to consider local fuel prices and availability when evaluating the economic benefits of an FFV.

In regions where ethanol is readily available and significantly cheaper than gasoline, the cost savings can be substantial. Conversely, in areas where ethanol is less common or priced similarly to gasoline, the financial benefits of using flex fuel may be minimal. It’s also worth noting that ethanol prices can fluctuate based on many factors. It includes crop yields, government subsidies, and global demand for corn and sugarcane (two main sources of ethanol in many countries).

Government Incentives: Tipping the Scale

Government policies and incentives can play a crucial role in making flex fuel vehicles more economically attractive. Many countries, including the US offer tax credits, rebates, and other incentives to encourage the purchase and use of FFVs. These incentives can help offset the higher upfront costs and make flex fuel a more financially viable option for consumers.

For example, in U.S., federal and state governments have implemented various incentives to promote ethanol production and consumption. It mainly consists of Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). This mandates a certain volume of renewable fuel (including ethanol) to be blended into the nation’s fuel supply. These policies not only support the ethanol industry but also help to reduce the price of E85. Thus enhancing the economic appeal of FFVs.

Maintenance and Long-Term Costs

Another important consideration is the long-term maintenance and operating costs of flex fuel vehicles. While FFVs are designed to handle ethanol’s corrosive properties, ethanol can still cause more wear and tear on engine components compared to gasoline. This could potentially lead to higher maintenance costs over the vehicle’s lifespan. However, advances in automotive technology have significantly mitigated these issues, and modern FFVs are generally considered reliable and durable.

Additionally, the availability of flex fuel stations is a factor that can influence long-term costs. In areas where E85 or other ethanol blends are not widely available, drivers may be forced to use regular gasoline, diminishing the potential cost savings associated with ethanol.

Environmental Benefits: An Indirect Economic Advantage

When we think about the benefits of flex fuel vehicles (FFVs), one of the most important, yet often overlooked, aspects is their positive impact on the environment. While this may not seem directly related to economics. The environmental benefits of FFVs can actually lead to significant financial advantages in the long run.

Reducing Air Pollution and Health Costs

One of the main environmental benefits of FFVs is their ability to reduce air pollution. Flex fuel vehicles can run on ethanol, which is a cleaner-burning fuel compared to regular gasoline. When ethanol is burned in an engine, it produces fewer harmful emissions, like carbon monoxide and particulate matter, which are major contributors to air pollution.

Cleaner energy means fewer health problems for people. When there’s less pollution, there are fewer cases of respiratory issues like asthma, lung disease, and heart problems. This reduction in health issues can lead to lower healthcare costs for individuals and the government. Essentially, when people are healthier, they spend less on medical bills, and the government spends less on healthcare programs.

Mitigating Climate Change and Avoiding Economic Disruptions

Another big environmental benefit of FFVs is their role in fighting climate change. Burning fossil fuels, like gasoline, releases large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). These all are greenhouse gas that traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere and contributes to global warming. Ethanol, on the other hand, is made from plants, which absorb CO2 as they grow thus focussing decarbonisation. This means that the overall carbon footprint of ethanol is smaller compared to gasoline.

By using ethanol in flex fuel vehicles, we can reduce the amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. This helps slow down climate change, which can have serious economic consequences if left unchecked. For example, extreme weather events like hurricanes, floods, and droughts—often intensified by climate change—can cause billions of dollars in damage to infrastructure, homes, and businesses. They can also disrupt food supplies and lead to higher prices for basic goods. By reducing the impact of climate change, FFVs can help prevent these costly disruptions.

Supporting Rural Economies and Job Creation

The production of ethanol at Khaitan Bio Energy provides significant economic benefits to rural areas of India. Ethanol is primarily made from crops like corn and sugarcane. When demand for ethanol increases, it can lead to higher demand for these crops, which can benefit farmers and agricultural communities.

This increased demand for biofuel crops can lead to job creation in farming, ethanol production, and related industries. More jobs mean more income for families, which can boost local economies. In turn, this can lead to more spending in rural areas, supporting businesses and services in those communities.

Long-Term Economic Stability

Finally, by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, FFVs contribute to long-term economic stability. Fossil fuels, like oil, are non-renewable resources, meaning they will eventually run out. As oil supplies become low, prices are likely to increase, leading to higher costs for consumers and businesses. By using ethanol, a renewable resource, FFVs help diversify our energy sources and reduce the risk of economic instability caused by fluctuating oil prices.

Therefore the environmental benefits of flex fuel vehicles extend far beyond just reducing emissions. By promoting cleaner air, slowing down climate change, supporting rural economies, and contributing to long-term economic stability, FFVs provide indirect economic advantages that can lead to a healthier, more sustainable future. These benefits highlight the importance of considering the broader impact of our transportation choices, not just on our wallets today, but on the economy and environment in the years to come.

Is Flex Fuel Worth the Investment?

The question of whether flex fuel vehicles are worth the investment is multifaceted and depends on various factors, including fuel prices, government incentives, maintenance costs, and regional availability of ethanol. For consumers in areas where ethanol is affordable and readily available, and where government incentives are strong, investing in an FFV can offer both economic and environmental benefits. However, in regions where these conditions are not met, the financial advantages may be less pronounced.

Ultimately, the decision to invest in a flex fuel vehicle should be based on a careful consideration of both the short-term costs and the long-term benefits, including the potential to contribute to a more sustainable and resilient economy. As the world continues to transition toward cleaner energy sources, flex fuel vehicles represent an important step in the journey toward a more sustainable future.

Bio Ethanol Blending Opportunity in Indonesia


Indonesia, known for its lush landscapes and rich natural resources, is also the largest producer of palm oil in the world. While palm oil has brought significant economic benefits to the country, it has also led to environmental concerns and a heavy reliance on imported fossil fuels. However, there is a promising solution on the horizon: ethanol blending. This blog will explore the current bio ethanol blending scenario in Indonesia, the challenges faced, and how utilizing empty fruit bunch (EFB) from palm oil production. This can help reduce gasoline imports and contribute to achieving net-zero carbon emissions.

Indonesia’s biofuel initiative was intended to provide significant advantages to small-scale farmers. However, despite a remarkable increase in the country’s biodiesel output, numerous farmers express dissatisfaction. They states that the program has not yielded the anticipated benefits for them. Many continue to face challenges in integrating into the biodiesel supply chain, which is largely controlled by major palm oil corporations. Only potential solution lies in cellulosic ethanol . This type of ethanol is produced from plant fibres, primarily composed of cellulose. As the largest palm oil producer globally, Indonesia generates substantial quantities of agricultural byproducts. This includes palm trunks, empty fruit bunches, and palm press fibre. By employing advanced technologies, these materials can be converted into ethanol suitable for blending with gasoline.

In the previous year, the country’s administration revealed intentions to increase the sugar cultivation area in Indonesia to 700,000 hectares (1.7 million acres). This initiative aims to enhance the development of renewable sugar-based ethanol and reduce the nation’s reliance on excessive petroleum consumption. However, with the restart of E5 blending of ethanol in gasoline with potential to increase this blending rate in the future, 2nd generation cellulosic ethanol provides a viable and clear alternative to achieve such demand.

Understanding Ethanol Blending

Ethanol blending refers to the process of mixing ethanol with gasoline to create a cleaner-burning fuel. Ethanol, a renewable biofuel, can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels. In Indonesia, the government has set ambitious targets for increasing the use of bio ethanol . This is to reduce dependence on imported gasoline and lower carbon emissions.

Our recent research on cellulosic ethanol indicates that Indonesia possesses significant potential for industry developmen. With the capability to produce as much as 2 million kiloliters (528 million gallons) annually from palm residues alone. At present, Indonesia exports these residues to nations such as Japan, which relies on palm kernel shells for biomass power generation to fulfil its renewable energy objectives.

While exporting palm waste to international markets may appear advantageous, particularly in the short term, it poses risks in the long run. By concentrating solely on exports, Indonesia may forfeit the chance to cultivate a domestic processing industry. Specially given that “downstreaming” has been a recurring focus of the administration’s economic policy.

Current Ethanol Blending Scenario

As of now, Indonesia has made strides in promoting biofuels. But the ethanol blending rate remains relatively low compared to its potential. The government recently reintroduced an ethanol blending programme for blending of 5% ethanol in gasoline to achieve a blending target of 20% by 2025. However, achieving this goal faces several challenges due to price sensitivity and limited production capacity.

Ethanol Market -Overview

  • Indonesia has established a mandate for ethanol at 5%, with an ambitious goal of reaching 20% by the year 2025. In 2018, the estimated consumption of industrial ethanol was around 137 million litres. 
  • The cost of domestically produced ethanol remains uncompetitive when compared to gasoline and other oxygenates, being approximately double the price of U.S. FOB Gulf ethanol. 
  • The country is home to six facilities that can produce fuel ethanol, with a combined capacity of 290 million litres. Additionally, there are 14 ethanol production plants dedicated to non-fuel applications, serving the medical sector, cosmetics, and export markets. 
  • Similarly the production of ethanol primarily utilizes molasses sourced from the local sugar industry. 
  • It is noteworthy that the majority of government support for biofuels is predominantly directed towards the biodiesel sector.


The nation exports between 50 and 100 million litres of industrial and potable grade ethanol annually. In 2018, the total exports amounted to 92 million litres, with the Philippines being the primary recipient, while smaller volumes were sent to Japan and Thailand. Currently, Indonesia imports very little ethanol due to its relatively high import tariffs, restrictive policies, and uncertainty regarding the oxygenates utilized in the domestic fuel supply. The import tariff for both denatured and undenatured ethanol stands at 30%.

Market Outlook

The expansion of domestic ethanol production in the near future appears improbable due to limitations in feedstock availability. By 2025, Indonesia is projected to become the sixth largest fuel market. The nation possesses an adequate supply of molasses to generate 355 million litres of ethanol, provided that appropriate incentives are in place.

Supporting Mechanism

In recent years, the Government of Indonesia (GOI) has made several modifications to its export levy scheme to ensure the financial stability of its Crude Palm Oil (CPO) fund amid fluctuations in palm oil prices. In December 2018, the structure of the export levy was revised from a flat-rate system to a progressive price-based model in response to falling CPO prices. As the decline persisted into 2019, the GOI suspended the collection of the CPO levy entirely, resulting in no new revenue for the CPO fund throughout that year. Furthermore, in 2022, the GOI introduced additional categories of palm products subject to levies, including Used Cooking Oil (UCO) and Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME), both of which are utilized as feedstock for biodiesel production.

Challenges Faced

  1. Infrastructure Limitations: One of the significant challenges is the lack of infrastructure for ethanol production and distribution. Many regions in Indonesia do not have the facilities needed to produce, store, and transport ethanol efficiently.
  2. Market Acceptance: There is still a lack of awareness and acceptance among consumers regarding the benefits of ethanol-blended fuels. Many people are accustomed to traditional gasoline and may be hesitant to switch to biofuels.
  3. Cost Competitiveness: Producing ethanol can be more expensive than importing gasoline, especially if the production process is not optimized. This cost disparity can deter investment in ethanol production facilities.
  4. Environmental Concerns: While biofuels are generally considered more environmentally friendly, the palm oil industry has faced criticism for deforestation and habitat destruction. Ensuring that ethanol production does not contribute to these issues is crucial.

The Role of Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB)

One of the most promising solutions to overcome these challenges lies in utilizing empty fruit bunch (EFB) as a feedstock for ethanol production. EFB is a biomass byproduct generated during the palm oil extraction process. Instead of being discarded or burned, EFB can be converted into ethanol through fermentation processes.

Why EFB?

  1. Abundance: As the largest producer of palm oil, Indonesia generates a significant amount of EFB, making it a readily available feedstock for ethanol production. This abundance can help meet the growing demand for biofuels without competing with food crops.
  1. Waste Reduction: Utilizing EFB for ethanol production not only provides a sustainable energy source but also addresses waste management issues associated with palm oil processing. This can lead to a more circular economy, where waste is minimized, and resources are efficiently used.
  2. Lower Carbon Footprint: By converting EFB into ethanol, Indonesia can reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and lower greenhouse gas emissions. This aligns with the country’s goals of achieving net-zero carbon emissions and promoting sustainable practices in the palm oil industry.
  3. Economic Opportunities: Developing an ethanol production industry based on EFB can create jobs and stimulate local economies. It can also attract investment in renewable energy technologies and infrastructure.

Moving Forward: Opportunities for Growth

To capitalize on the potential of EFB for ethanol production, several steps can be taken:

Investment in Infrastructure:

The government and private sector should invest in the necessary infrastructure for ethanol production, storage, and distribution. This includes building processing facilities and transportation networks to ensure efficient supply chains.

Public Awareness Campaigns:

Increasing consumer awareness about the benefits of ethanol-blended fuels is essential. Educational campaigns can help shift public perception and encourage the adoption of biofuels.

Research and Development:

Continued research into optimizing the fermentation processes for converting EFB into ethanol can enhance production efficiency and reduce costs. Collaborations between universities, research institutions, and the industry can drive innovation.

Sustainable Practices:

It is crucial to ensure that EFB utilization does not contribute to environmental degradation. Implementing sustainable practices in palm oil production and EFB processing can help mitigate negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems.

Policy Support:

The government should continue to provide policy support and incentives for biofuel production, including tax breaks, subsidies, and favorable regulations that encourage investment in the ethanol sector.


Indonesia’s journey towards increasing ethanol blending presents both challenges and opportunities. By depending on empty fruit bunch from palm oil production, the country can not only reduce its dependence on imported fossil fuels but also contribute to environmental sustainability. With the right investments, public awareness, and sustainable practices, Indonesia can pave the way for a greener future through ethanol blending, ultimately supporting its economic and environmental goals.

Ethanol vs. Green Hydrogen: A Simple Guide to Cleaner Fuels

As we look for ways to make our planet cleaner and reduce pollution, two fuels often come up in the conversation: ethanol and green hydrogen. Thus both have the potential to help us reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but they are very different in terms of how practical they are to use right now. Let’s explore these two fuels and understand why ethanol is the immediate solution we need!

What is Ethanol?

Ethanol is a type of alcohol that can made from plants like corn, sugarcane, and other biomass. When blended with gasoline, it helps reduce the amount of pollution that cars produce. Also, Ethanol is a renewable fuel which is already using in many countries around the world as a way to cut down on harmful emissions from vehicles.

What is Green Hydrogen?

Green hydrogen is a clean fuel from electricity (renewable sources like wind and solar) to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. When you use hydrogen as a fuel, the only byproduct is water, which makes it a very attractive option for a pollution-free future.

Ethanol vs. Green Hydrogen: Composition and Usage Explained

As we explore cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels, ethanol and green hydrogen emerge as significant contenders. However, they differ fundamentally in their composition and usage. So let’s delve into these differences to understand why they are unique and their uses.

EthanolGreen Hydrogen
Chemical Structure
Ethanol (C2H5OH) is a type of alcohol. It consists of two carbon atoms, six hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom.
Chemical Structure
Hydrogen (H2) is the simplest and most abundant element in the universe. It consists of two hydrogen atoms.
Ethanol is typically produced through the fermentation of sugars found in crops like corn, sugarcane, and other biomass. The fermentation process involves using yeast to convert these sugars into ethanol and carbon dioxide.
Green hydrogen is produced by splitting water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen using renewable energy sources like wind, solar, or hydropower. This process is called electrolysis.
Ethanol can be produced through two main methods:First-generation ethanol: Made from food crops such as corn and sugarcane.Second-generation ethanol: Made from non-food biomass such as agricultural residues, wood, and grasses.
There are different types of hydrogen based on the production process:Green hydrogen: Produced using renewable energy for electrolysis, making it the cleanest form.Blue hydrogen: Produced from natural gas with carbon capture and storage to reduce emissions.Grey hydrogen: Produced from natural gas or coal without capturing the emitted CO2.


EthanolGreen Hydrogen
Fuel Blending: Ethanol is primarily used as a fuel additive. It is blended with gasoline to create ethanol-blended fuels such as E10 (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline) and E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline). These blends help reduce the overall emissions from gasoline.Fuel Cells: 
One of the primary uses of green hydrogen is in fuel cells. Fuel cells convert hydrogen into electricity, which can be used to power electric vehicles (FCEVs) and provide electricity for buildings and industries. The only byproduct is water, making it a very clean energy source.
Compatibility: Most modern internal combustion engine vehicles can run on ethanol-blended fuels without modifications. Flex-fuel vehicles are designed to run on higher ethanol blends like E85.Compatibility: Hydrogen can also be used in modified internal combustion engines. However, this is less common compared to fuel cell technology.
Energy Density: Ethanol has a lower energy density compared to gasoline. This means that a gallon of ethanol contains less energy than a gallon of gasoline, which can result in slightly lower fuel economy when using high ethanol blends.Energy Density: Hydrogen can be used to store excess renewable energy. When renewable energy sources like wind or solar produce more electricity than needed, the excess energy can be used to produce hydrogen, which can be stored and later converted back into electricity.
Uses:Ethanol is also used in the production of beverages, as a solvent in industrial processes, and in the manufacture of personal care products and pharmaceuticals.Uses:
 Hydrogen is used in various industrial processes, including refining petroleum, producing ammonia for fertilizers, and manufacturing chemicals and materials.

Green Hydrogen: The Future, But Not Just Yet

While both ethanol and green hydrogen have the potential to reduce pollution and GHG emissions, ethanol offers several immediate advantages:

Advantages of Ethanol Over Green Hydrogen

1. Cost

  • Ethanol: The technology to produce ethanol is well-establishing and relatively inexpensive. Farmers grow crops like corn and sugarcane, which then convert into ethanol. This process is cost-effective and supports the agricultural industry.
  • Green Hydrogen: Producing green hydrogen is currently very expensive. Therefore it requires advanced technology and a lot of electricity from renewable sources. The high cost of production makes green hydrogen less practical for widespread use at the moment.

2. Existing Infrastructure

  • Ethanol: Firstly, the biggest advantages of ethanol is that it can used with the current infrastructure. Ethanol can blended with gasoline and used in existing cars without any modifications. Similarly, Gas stations are already in a form to handle ethanol-blended fuels, making it easy to implement immediately.
  • Green Hydrogen: Using green hydrogen requires new infrastructure. Therefore this includes new production plants, storage facilities, pipelines, and fueling stations. Also building this infrastructure would take a lot of time and money, delaying the widespread use of hydrogen.

3. Immediate Environmental Benefits

  • Ethanol: Ethanol burns cleaner than gasoline, producing fewer harmful emissions like carbon monoxide and particulate matter. Thus by using ethanol-blended gasoline, we can start reducing pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions right away.
  • Green Hydrogen: While green hydrogen is very clean when used, producing and distributing it on a large scale is not yet feasible. The environmental benefits of hydrogen will only realized once the necessary infrastructure is in place, which could take years.

4. Compatibility with Current Vehicles

  • Ethanol: Most cars on the road today can run on ethanol-blended gasoline without any modifications. Therefore we can start using more ethanol immediately without needing new types of cars. This makes ethanol a practical and convenient solution.
  • Green Hydrogen: First of all to use hydrogen as a fuel, we need special fuel cell vehicles or hydrogen-powered internal combustion engines. These types of vehicles are not yet widely available, and they are generally more expensive than traditional cars.

5. Economic Benefits

  • Ethanol: Producing ethanol supports farmers and the agricultural industry. It provides a market for crops like corn and sugarcane, helping to boost the economy and create jobs, especially in rural areas.
  • Green Hydrogen: While green hydrogen also has the potential to create jobs in the future, the current high costs and lack of infrastructure mean that its economic benefits will take longer to materialize.

Green hydrogen holds great promise for the future, but its high production costs and the need for new infrastructure make it less practical for immediate use. By increasing the use of ethanol, we can start making a positive impact on the environment right now while continuing to develop the technology and infrastructure needed for green hydrogen in the future.


Ethanol offers an immediate and practical solution for reducing pollution and GHG emissions. So it is affordable, can blended with gasoline using the existing infrastructure, and can used in the cars we drive today. While green hydrogen holds promise for a cleaner future, the high costs and lack of infrastructure make it a longer-term solution.

Therefore by focusing on increasing ethanol use, we can start making a positive impact on the environment right away. As technology and infrastructure for green hydrogen improve, it will likely play a significant role in our future energy landscape. But for now, ethanol is the bridge that can help us move towards a cleaner, more sustainable world.

In conclusion, ethanol is a practical, cost-effective, and immediately implementable solution to help reduce pollution and GHG emissions, making it the better choice for addressing our current environmental challenges.

India’s Ethanol Blending Goal: Challenges and the Promise of 2G Ethanol

India, one of the world’s largest consumers of energy, is on a quest to become more energy self-sufficient and environmentally sustainable. A significant part of this journey involves increasing the use of ethanol as a transportation fuel. The government has set an ambitious target to achieve 20% ethanol blending in petrol by 2025, aiming to reduce dependency on imported oil, decrease pollution, and support the agricultural sector. However, several challenges suggest that India may struggle to meet this target. A promising solution lies in the development and adoption of second-generation (2G) ethanol from biomass. This approach could not only help achieve the 20% of Ethanol blending goal by 2025 but also pave the way for future goal like 30% blending by 2030.

Understanding Ethanol Blending

Ethanol, a type of alcohol, can be used as a fuel additive. This helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the combustion efficiency of engines. In India, ethanol is primarily produced from sugarcane molasses, a by-product of sugar production. The blending of ethanol with petrol helps to reduce the carbon footprint of vehicles. Mainly by lowerig harmful emissions and thus providing a renewable source of energy.

The 20% Ethanol Blending Goal by 2025

The Indian government has laid out an ambitious roadmap to achieve 20% Ethanol blending goal in petrol by 2025. This move is part of the National Biofuel Policy. This aims to promote the use of biofuels and ensure energy security. Achieving this target is expected to have several benefits:

  1. Reducing Oil Imports: India imports a significant portion of its crude oil. Increasing ethanol blending can reduce this dependency, saving foreign exchange and enhancing energy security.
  2. Environmental Benefits: Ethanol burns cleaner than petrol, leading to lower emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter.
  3. Boost to Agriculture: The increased demand for ethanol can provide additional revenue streams for farmers involved in sugarcane cultivation.

Challenges in Achieving the 20% Target

Despite the apparent benefits, there are substantial hurdles to achieving the 20% ethanol blending goal by 2025:

  1. Supply Constraints: The current production capacity of ethanol in India is insufficient to meet the 20% blending requirement. Most of the ethanol comes from sugarcane molasses, and expanding production significantly within a short timeframe is challenging.
  2. Feedstock Limitations: Reliance on sugarcane molasses for ethanol production has its limitations. Sugarcane is a water-intensive crop, and expanding its cultivation may not be sustainable, especially in water-scarce regions.
  3. Infrastructure Issues: The blending of ethanol requires appropriate infrastructure for storage, transportation, and distribution. The existing infrastructure cannot handle the increased volumes required for 20% blending.
  4. Economic Viability: The cost of producing ethanol from sugarcane molasses can be high, and fluctuations in sugar prices can impact ethanol production and pricing.

The Role of 2G Ethanol from Biomass

Second-generation (2G) ethanol offers a viable solution to overcome many of these challenges. Unlike first-generation ethanol from food crops like sugarcane, 2G ethanol is from non-food biomass, including agricultural residues, forestry waste, and other lignocellulosic materials.

Advantages of 2G Ethanol

  1. Utilization of Waste: 2G ethanol production utilizes agricultural and forestry residues that would otherwise go to waste. This not only provides a sustainable feedstock but also helps in waste management.
  2. Reduced Competition with Food Crops: Since 2G ethanol is from non-food biomass, it does not compete with food crops for land and resources. This makes it a more sustainable and ethical choice.
  3. Environmental Benefits: The production of 2G ethanol can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels. It also helps in reducing air pollution caused by burning agricultural residues.
  4. Enhanced Rural Economy: By providing an additional source of income for farmers through the sale of agricultural residues, 2G ethanol can boost the rural economy.

2G Ethanol Production Technologies

Several technologies are being developed and implemented to produce 2G ethanol efficiently. These include:

  1. Biochemical Conversion: This involves the pretreatment of biomass to break down lignocellulosic materials, followed by enzymatic hydrolysis to convert cellulose and hemicellulose into fermentable sugars. These sugars are then fermented to produce ethanol.
  2. Thermochemical Conversion: This process involves the gasification of biomass to produce syngas (a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen), which is then converted to ethanol using catalytic processes.

Current Status and Future Prospects of 2G Ethanol in India

India has recognized the potential of 2G ethanol and is taking steps to promote its production. Several 2G ethanol plants are being set up across the country, supported by government initiatives and private investments. These plants are expected to play a crucial role in achieving the 20% ethanol blending target by 2025 and beyond.

  1. Government Initiatives: The Indian government has introduced policies and financial incentives to encourage the production of 2G ethanol. This includes the Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme, which mandates the blending of ethanol with petrol.
  2. Research and Development: Significant investments are being made in research and development to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of 2G ethanol production technologies.
  3. Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between government agencies, research institutions, and private companies is fostering the growth of the 2G ethanol sector.

The Path to 30% Ethanol Blending by 2030

While achieving the 20% blending target by 2025 is challenging, the goal of 30% blending by 2030 is even more ambitious. However, with a strong focus on 2G ethanol and continued efforts to overcome existing barriers, it is possible to move closer to this goal.

Steps to Achieve 30% Blending

  1. Scaling Up Production: Increasing the number of 2G ethanol plants and scaling up production capacity will be essential. This requires continued investment in technology and infrastructure.
  2. Expanding Feedstock Base: Developing a diverse feedstock base, including agricultural residues, forestry waste, and municipal solid waste, can ensure a steady supply of raw materials for 2G ethanol production.
  3. Enhancing Infrastructure: Building robust infrastructure for the storage, transportation, and distribution of ethanol is critical to support higher blending levels.
  4. Policy Support: Consistent and supportive government policies, including financial incentives and regulatory frameworks, will be crucial in promoting the growth of the ethanol sector.
  5. Public Awareness: Educating the public and stakeholders about the benefits of ethanol blending and addressing any concerns related to its use will help in gaining broader acceptance and support.


India’s target of achieving 20% ethanol blending by 2025 is a commendable step towards energy security, environmental sustainability, and rural development. However, the challenges associated with first-generation ethanol production necessitate the adoption of second-generation ethanol from biomass. 2G ethanol offers a sustainable solution by utilizing agricultural residues and non-food biomass, thereby addressing feedstock limitations and environmental concerns.

While meeting the 20% blending target by 2025 is challenging, the development and scaling up of 2G ethanol production can make it achievable. Moreover, 2G ethanol lays the foundation for future goals, such as 30% ethanol blending by 2030. With continued investment, research, and policy support, India can become a global leader in biofuel production, driving the transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

Scorched Earth: India’s Battle with the 2024 Heatwave


In the scorching summer of 2024, India found itself grappling with one of the most severe heat waves in recent memory. As temperatures soared to unprecedented heights across the subcontinent, the impact on daily life, agriculture, and the environment was profound and far-reaching. Let’s delve into the details of this extraordinary weather event and its implications.

The Heatwave Unfolds

The heatwave struck early in the summer season, catching many by surprise. Cities accustomed to hot weather were suddenly facing temperatures several degrees above normal. Temperatures in the capital New Delhi alone exceeded nearly 53 °C (127 °F). It was considered the country’s hottest summer in 120 years.

Climate change, predominantly caused by burning fossil fuels and exacerbated by human interference, is making heatwaves hotter. This is more likely to happen all over the world, according to researchers. The heatwave in India was made 45 times more likely due to climate change. Also the recurrence of extreme heat incidents are likely as the global temperature goes up from the current 1.2 degrees Celsius towards 2 degrees Celsius, according to a study by the World Weather Attribution (WWA).

Dr Friederike Otto, Imperial College London and director of World Weather Attribution says,“This devastating heat is not a natural disaster. The suffering India is facing is worse because of climate change caused by burning coal, oil and gas and deforestation. What we are seeing in India is exactly what scientists said would happen if we didn’t stop heating the planet. To avoid making the problem worse, the world needs to end fossil fuel use. Unless we do it, terrible heat like this will happen more and more often, and it will get even hotter. The heat will become worse, and the death toll will continue to rise, fast.”

Heatwave: Human Toll and Public Health Crisis

The heatwave quickly escalated into a public health crisis. Hospitals overflowed with patients suffering from heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and dehydration. Vulnerable populations, including the elderly, young children, and those engaged in outdoor labor, were particularly at risk. Government agencies scrambled to set up cooling centers and distribute water to affected areas. Even then the sheer intensity of the heatwave strained resources to their limits.

According to Dr. Krishna AchutaRao, a renowned Professor and Dean at the Centre for Atmospheric Sciences(Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi) the prevailing heatwave conditions experienced not only in India but also in various parts of the world. Also these are a direct consequence of climate change resulting from human emissions of greenhouse gas. It is imperative that immediate measures be taken to mitigate the escalating global average temperatures; otherwise, the consequences are evident.

With temperatures surpassing 45ºC in at least 37 cities, there is a significant risk of heat-related illnesses for the entire population. Disturbingly, there have already been over 16,000 cases of heat stroke and 60 heat-related fatalities since March 2024. Although these figures are likely a substantial underestimation.

Impact on Agriculture and Economy

India’s agrarian economy felt the heatwave’s impact acutely. Crops withered under the relentless sun, leading to significant losses for farmers already grappling with erratic weather patterns. Water scarcity worsened as rivers and reservoirs dried up, exacerbating the agricultural crisis. The economic ripple effects were felt across sectors, from reduced productivity to increased prices for essential commodities.

This year, Asia has experienced an exceptionally hot summer. This phenomenon, that scientists explain is due to the exacerbation of human-induced climate change. In central India, Rajasthan has been particularly affected by scorching temperatures, reaching up to 50 degrees Celsius in certain districts. According to government data, there have been 4 fatalities since March, along with 451 cases of heat stroke reported.

Conversely, northeastern India has been facing heavy rainfall following cyclone Remal, resulting in numerous landslides. Additionally, parts of Assam, which shares a border with Bangladesh, are currently experiencing flooding.

Environmental Consequences

The environmental repercussions of the heatwave were dire. Wildlife habitats were threatened as natural water sources dried out, forcing animals to migrate in search of sustenance. Forest fires broke out in several regions, exacerbated by dry conditions and high temperatures. Air quality plummeted in urban areas as stagnant air trapped pollutants, posing additional health risks to residents.

Heatwave: Lessons Learned

The 2024 heatwave in India served as a stark reminder of the growing threat posed by climate change. It underscored the need for proactive measures to build resilience and adapt to extreme weather events. From investing in climate-resilient infrastructure to promoting sustainable agricultural practices, the heatwave prompted a reevaluation of priorities at every level of society.

Aarti Khosla, Director of Climate Trends, emphasizes the need for immediate changes to mitigate the heat island effect. The urban population in India has surged to 460 million between 1970 and 2018, leaving over one-third of Indians highly susceptible to climate risks, which adversely affect their well-being and productivity.

Ethanol: A bio-fuel to combat climate change

Renewable fuels like ethanol, which are available right now, have the capacity to lead the charge against fossil fuels and help decarbonize the economy by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Studies have shown that Grain-based ethanol cuts GHG emissions by 44 to 52% compared to gasoline while 2G ethanol made from biomass takes this one step further and cuts down on GHG emissions by a whopping 80%.

Ethanol has a proven track record of cutting GHG emissions from transportation. The use of ethanol in gasoline in 2023 in the USA reduced CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by 56.5 million metric tons. That’s equivalent to removing 12 million cars from the roads for a whole year. In addition to reducing GHG emissions, ethanol is the best tool available to reduce tailpipe emissions of other harmful pollutants like carbon monoxide, air toxins and fine particulate matter.

While Ethanol has gained popularity in India over the years, its adoption is still slow due to scarcity of raw material for producing ethanol from traditional sources including sugarcane juice, broken rice and other grains. 2G ethanol made from biomass residue is the answer to this problem. There is an abundance of biomass residue, most of which is currently being burnt in India (rice straw), which in fact leads to pollution and contributes significantly to climate change. Investing in 2G ethanol technology is the way forward, which will help India reach its net zero target by 2050 by significantly reducing GHG emissions and decarbonizing the economy. We at Khaitan Bio Energy are continuously working to help achieve this by providing end to end solutions for producing 2G ethanol using our patented technology.

Looking Ahead

As the temperatures gradually returned to normal, the scars left by the 2024 heatwave remained. The experience fueled discussions on climate policy, resilience-building, and the imperative of global cooperation in tackling climate change. While the immediate crisis subsided, its lessons echoed far beyond India’s borders, urging nations worldwide to prioritize climate action for a sustainable future.

In conclusion, the 2024 heatwave in India was a wake-up call—an urgent reminder of the need for concerted efforts to mitigate climate risks and protect vulnerable communities. It underscored the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic factors in shaping our response to climate change. As we reflect on this unprecedented event, the imperative to act decisively and collectively has never been clearer.

COP 28: Pioneering Global Climate Action 


The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties (COP 28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) last year  from 30 Nov 2023 – 13 Dec 2023. This monumental event marked another important  milestone in the global effort to combat climate change and foster sustainable development. COP 28 brought together world leaders, climate activists, scientists, policymakers, and industry leaders to discuss and negotiate critical climate actions and policies.

Ethanol was showcased to play a pivotal role in global decarbonization efforts, goals and Paris Agreement commitments on an international stage, with India leading the charge through the formation of Global Biofuel Alliance. In an effort to decrease the reliance on fossil fuels, India has mandated a 25% Ethanol blending in petrol by 2025 which will increase to 30% by the year 2030. In the supply year 2022-23, the average proportion of ethanol blended with petrol in India stood at 12%. Additionally, the government has mandated a 5% co-firing of agricultural residue-based pellets with coal in all power plants, as well as the promotion of CBG and biodiesel manufacturing from agricultural residue. These initiatives are in line with the global agenda for a sustainable and inclusive transition towards cleaner energy sources.

India’s active participation in the Global Biofuel Alliance has positioned it as a frontrunner in biofuel technology and policy formulation. This highlights the potential for international cooperation, research, and technology exchange to enhance biofuel production. The utilization of biofuels also supports the objectives of the Paris Agreement, which seeks to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius, preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. This makes biofuels a promising solution in addressing the issue of rising temperatures.

The Significance of COP 28

COP 28 is not just another international conference; it is a vital gathering aimed at accelerating the implementation of the Paris Agreement and addressing the urgent need for global climate action. The conference emphasized focus on several key objectives:

Strengthening National Commitments

Countries presented more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These commitments are crucial for keeping global temperature rise well below 2 degrees Celsius, with efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Enhancing Climate Resilience

COP 28 emphasized the importance of adaptation and resilience, particularly for vulnerable countries and communities that are disproportionately affected by climate change. This includes discussions on funding mechanisms and technological support to build resilience.

Mobilizing Climate Finance

A significant focus was placed on mobilizing financial resources to support climate action, especially in developing countries. This includes fulfilling the $100 billion annual commitment made by developed countries to assist developing nations in their climate efforts.

Advancing Technology and Innovation:

The conference highlighted the role of technology and innovation in mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable development. This includes the deployment of clean energy technologies, digital solutions, and nature-based solutions.

Engaging Stakeholders

COP 28 provides a platform for diverse stakeholders, including governments, businesses, civil society, and indigenous communities, to engage in dialogue and collaborate on climate solutions.

Renewable Energy Initiatives:

COP28 has committed to diversifying its energy mix and increasing the share of renewable energy. The Clean Energy Strategy 2050 aims to generate 75% of the emirate’s energy from clean sources by 2050. A flagship project under this strategy is the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, one of the largest solar parks in the world with a planned capacity of 5,000 megawatts by 2030.

Waste Management and Circular Economy:

COP28 also focused on waste management and the transition to a circular economy. The  Integrated Waste Management Strategy 2021-2041 aims to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and promote recycling and waste-to-energy projects. Initiatives like the Waste-to-Energy Plant in Warsan highlights sustainable waste management.

Khaitan Bio Energy (KBIO)  Role in Climate Action

KBIO has made significant strides in sustainability and climate action. Its vision aligns with the objectives of COP 28, showcasing numerous initiatives and projects that contribute to a greener future. By producing 2nd Generation Ethanol from paddy straw, it not only promotes clean transportation fuel, but also helps stop open field burning of crop residue. This double advantage  significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, thereby helping India reach its NET ZERO target.

Outcomes of COP 28

The outcomes of COP 28 are critical in shaping the global climate landscape for the coming years. Some of the outcomes include:

Enhanced NDCs: Countries submitted updated and more ambitious NDCs, reflecting stronger commitments to reducing emissions and enhancing resilience.

Financial Commitments: Increased pledges and mobilization of climate finance, particularly for adaptation and resilience in developing countries. This includes innovative financing mechanisms and private sector engagement.

Technological Advancements: Agreements and partnerships to accelerate the deployment of clean technologies and innovations. This includes initiatives for technology transfer and capacity building.

Policy Frameworks: Development of robust policy frameworks to support the implementation of climate actions at national and international levels. This includes policies for carbon pricing, renewable energy deployment, and sustainable land use.

Global Solidarity: Strengthened global solidarity and collaboration in addressing the climate crisis. This includes fostering partnerships between governments, businesses, civil society, and other stakeholders.


After gruelling negotiations, countries reached a deal at the COP 28 summit in Dubai, calling for “deep, rapid and sustained reduction in greenhouse gas emissions” and “transitioning” away from fossil fuels in the energy system in an orderly and equitable manner. This was the first time that fossil fuels have been addressed in climate talks, calling for transitioning away from fossil fuels in the energy system in a just, orderly and equitable manner, replacing it with clean energy to achieve net zero by 2050 in keeping with the science. Ethanol will be at the forefront of this clean energy revolution, with the transport sector still emitting one quarter of Greenhouse gas emissions. By directly replacing fossil fuel in vehicles and aeroplanes (sustainable aviation fuel), ethanol can significantly help reduce dependency on fossil fuels and thereby minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

COP 28 in Dubai represented a pivotal moment in the global fight against climate change. As a host city, Dubai exemplifies the possibilities of sustainable urban development and the potential for transformative climate solutions. The outcomes of COP 28 will be crucial in determining the trajectory of global climate efforts, making it imperative for all stakeholders to engage, collaborate, and commit to a greener, more resilient future.

Challenges in India’s Ethanol Blending Goals: The Food vs. Fuel Dilemma and Alternative Solutions


India has ambitious plans to achieve 20% ethanol blending in petrol by 2025, promising significant environmental benefits and energy security. However, this target appears increasingly unattainable due to the country’s heavy reliance on sugarcane and maize for ethanol production. The Government’s recent ban on using sugarcane for ethanol production and export. This, due to a shortfall, has intensified the ongoing debate over food versus fuel. This blog explores challenges in India’s ethanol blending goals. Also, there is the potential to use non-food crops or crop residues as a viable alternative.

The Ethanol Blending Program and Its Significance

The Indian Government launched the Ethanol Blending Program (EBP) in 2003 to reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Ethanol, a renewable biofuel, can be blended with petrol to create a more sustainable fuel option. By targeting a 20% ethanol blend by 2025, the Government aims to cut down on import bills, reduce pollution, and boost the agricultural sector by creating a market for biofuel crops.

Reliance on Sugarcane and Maize: A Major Bottleneck in India’s Ethanol Blending Goals

Currently, India primarily relies on sugarcane and maize to produce ethanol. Data obtained from various sources indicated that from November 2023 to February 2024, approximately 57% of the contracted ethanol supply was fulfilled by sugar mills and distilleries. Industry experts revealed that out of the 8.25 billion litres of ethanol tendered by OMCs, bids totaling 5.62 billion litres. These were submitted by companies in the initial offer, representing around 69% of the tendered amount.

Within the 5.62 billion litres, approximately 2.69 billion litres were to be provided by the sugarcane industry, while the remaining 2.92 billion litres were sourced from grains. Similarly, in terms of sugarcane-based molasses, about 1.35 billion litres were expected to come from sugarcane juice. And 1.30 billion litres from B-heavy molasses, and a minimal amount of 0.04 billion litres from C-heavy molasses. It is worth noting that ethanol production in India primarily relies on sugarcane-based molasses or grain-based sources as feedstock.

Sugarcane, in particular, has been the cornerstone of the ethanol production strategy. This is due to its high yield and established supply chains within the country’s extensive sugar industry. However, this reliance poses significant challenges:

Limited Availability of Feedstock

Sugarcane and Maize availability is inconsistent. Sugarcane cultivation heavily depends on water, making it vulnerable to fluctuations due to seasonal changes and droughts. Maize, on the other hand, is also a staple food crop, which complicates its diversion to fuel production.

Food Security Concerns

Diverting food crops like maize and other grains to ethanol production can exacerbate food security issues. With a large portion of the population still reliant on these crops for their daily caloric intake, the food versus fuel debate becomes critical.

Environmental Impact:

Extensive sugarcane farming has considerable environmental repercussions, including water depletion, soil degradation, and increased pesticide use. These factors further limit the sustainability of relying on sugarcane for ethanol production.

Government Ban on Sugarcane: The Main Challenge in India’s Ethanol Blending Goals

India is currently facing a delicate situation in meeting its ethanol blending target due to low sugar stocks and an anticipated shortfall in sugarcane production. The government is considering a shift towards grain-based ethanol to achieve the 20% target by 2025. The recent approval for National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED) and the National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation of India (NCCF) to procure maize for ethanol distilleries signals a move towards this transition. Thus it potentially enhances the maize-feed supply chain for ethanol. However, this shift may pose additional challenges for the economy.

In response to a shortfall in sugarcane production, the Indian Government has recently banned its use for ethanol production and export. This decision underscores the vulnerability of the current ethanol production strategy, which hinges on the availability of sugarcane. The ban has triggered a fresh wave of debate over the feasibility of the 20% ethanol blending target by 2025.

The Food vs. Fuel Debate

The food versus fuel debate centres around the ethical and practical implications of diverting agricultural produce for biofuel production. This debate is particularly poignant in a country like India, where food security remains a pressing issue.

Impact on Food Prices:

Increased demand for sugarcane and maize for ethanol production can drive up the prices of these essential crops, making them less affordable for the general population. This can lead to higher food inflation, disproportionately affecting the poorer segments of society.

Agricultural Sustainability

The diversion of arable land to biofuel crops can reduce the land available for food production, potentially leading to reduced food outputs in the long term. This can undermine efforts to achieve self-sufficiency in food production.

Nutritional Impact

With staple crops being diverted to fuel production, there is a risk of compromising the population’s nutritional intake, especially in rural areas where these crops are primary food sources.

Non-Food Crops and Crop Residues: The Viable Alternatives

The focus must shift towards non-food crops and crop residues for ethanol production to overcome these challenges. This approach can mitigate the food versus fuel conflict and provide a more sustainable pathway to achieving the ethanol blending targets.

Lignocellulosic Biomass

Lignocellulosic biomass, which includes crop residues like straw, husks, and bagasse, presents a promising alternative. These materials are often considered agricultural waste and can be converted into ethanol through advanced biochemical processes. Utilizing residues can also help manage agricultural waste and reduce pollution caused by burning these residues. 

Algae-Based Biofuels

Algae represents another innovative source of biofuel. Algae can be cultivated in wastewater or non-arable land and have a high yield potential. Moreover, algae-based biofuels do not compete with food crops and have the added benefit of absorbing carbon dioxide during their growth.

Advanced Biotechnology

Advancements in biotechnology can enhance the efficiency of converting non-food biomass into ethanol. Techniques such as genetic engineering and synthetic biology can improve the yield and efficiency of biofuel production from alternative feedstocks.

Policy and Infrastructure Support

Significant policy and infrastructure support is required for these alternatives to become viable at a large scale. The Government must invest in research and development to advance the technology for producing ethanol from non-food crops and residues. Additionally, building the necessary infrastructure for collecting, transporting, and processing these materials is crucial.

Incentives for Farmers

Incentivizing farmers to grow non-food energy crops or supply crop residues can encourage the shift away from traditional biofuel crops. This can include financial subsidies, technical and logistical support, and assured purchase agreements.

Research and Development

Funding and support for R&D in second-generation biofuels and advanced biotechnology can accelerate the development of efficient and cost-effective methods for ethanol production from alternative feedstocks.

Infrastructure Development For Achieving India’s Ethanol Blending Goals

Establishing a robust supply chain infrastructure for collecting and processing non-food biomass is essential. This includes setting up collection centres, transportation networks, and processing facilities.

Public Awareness

Educating the public and stakeholders about the benefits of using non-food crops and residues for biofuel production can garner broader support for these initiatives.


The Indian Government had set a target of achieving 20% ethanol ethanol blending by 2025. It seems likely that the target will not be met due to the limited availability of molasses-based feedstock, as well as the inadequate supply of crops such as rice and maize. Maintaining the current year’s 12% blending rate that India achieved in the first four months of 2023-24 supply year, the target of achieving 15% blending in the current supply year also poses a challenge. Nevertheless, the ethanol blending initiative plays a crucial role in the broader context. As the country strives to enhance the resilience of its crops against droughts and pests, there is a pressing need to improve crop yields, particularly for maize. The commercial production of second-generation ethanol at competitive prices remains untested. If successful, it could help reduce incidents of stubble burning.

India’s goal of achieving 20% ethanol blending by 2025 is ambitious but faces significant challenges due to the reliance on sugarcane and maize. The Government ban on using sugarcane for ethanol production has highlighted the vulnerability of this approach and intensified the food versus fuel debate. However, by shifting focus to non-food crops and crop residues, India can overcome these challenges and create a more sustainable biofuel industry. This transition requires substantial policy support, technological advancement, and infrastructure development, but it promises a viable pathway to meeting the ethanol blending targets while ensuring food security and environmental sustainability.

The Environmental Benefits of Sustainable Aviation Fuel

In an era where environmental issues are predominant, industries worldwide are re-evaluating their practices to minimize their carbon footprint. The aviation sector, known for its significant emissions contribution, has been examined carefully for its environmental impact. However, amidst the challenges, a glow of hope emerges in the form of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). This blog delves deep into the environmental benefits of SAF and its potential to transform the aviation industry into a more sustainable entity.

Understanding Sustainable Aviation Fuel

SAF, also known as biofuel, is derived from renewable resources. This includes agricultural residues, waste oils, algae, and non-food crops. Unlike conventional jet fuel, which is primarily from fossil fuels, SAF offers a cleaner and more sustainable alternative. Since it blends with traditional jet fuel at different levels with limits between 10% and 50% or used as a drop-in replacement, making it a feasible option for aircraft operations. Worldwide, aviation accounts for 2% of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and 12% of all CO2 emissions from transportation.

Benefits of sustainable aviation fuel

The main environmental benefits of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) are:

Reducing Carbon Emissions

Firstly, most significant environmental benefits of sustainable aviation fuel is its ability to reduce carbon emissions. Unlike conventional jet fuel, SAF is derived from renewable sources. This means it has a lower carbon footprint. Studies have shown that SAF can reduce lifecycle carbon emissions by up to 80% compared to conventional jet fuel. Compared with conventional jet fuel, 100% SAF has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 94% depending on feedstock and technology pathway. Similarly this reduction in carbon emissions is crucial for mitigating the aviation industry’s impact on climate change. With aspirations to reach Net Zero emissions by 2050, SAF provides the best short term opportunity to the aviation sector to meet these goals.

Lowering Particulate Matter Emissions

In addition to reducing carbon emissions, SAF also helps lower particulate matter (PM) emissions. PM is a type of air pollution that can harm human health and the environment. Also by using SAF, aircraft emit fewer particulates, resulting in improved air quality and reduced health risks for passengers and communities near airports.

Decreasing Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Another significant environmental benefit of sustainable aviation fuel is its potential to decrease dependence on fossil fuels. As a renewable resource, SAF offers a sustainable alternative to traditional jet fuel derived from finite fossil fuel reserves. Therefore, by diversifying the aviation industry’s fuel sources and reducing reliance on fossil fuels, SAF contributes to long-term energy security and sustainability.

Promoting Sustainable Practices

Beyond its direct environmental benefits, sustainable aviation fuel also plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable practices within the aviation industry. Therefore, Airlines and aviation stakeholders increasingly adopt SAF as part of their sustainability initiatives, demonstrating their commitment to reducing environmental impact. And this shift towards sustainability encourages innovation, investment in renewable energy, and collaboration across the aviation sector.

Support for Renewable Energy

SAF production relies on renewable feedstocks. It includes biomass, waste oils, or algae, which can be replenished through sustainable practices. By supporting the deveopment and utilization of renewable energy sources, SAF contributes to the transition towards a more sustainable energy future.

Diversification of Fuel Sources

SAF diversifies the aviation industry’s fuel sources by offering a sustainable alternative to traditional jet fuel derived from finite fossil fuel reserves. By reducing dependence on fossil fuels, SAF helps enhance energy security and sustainability in the long term.

Global Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

 The widespread adoption of SAF can reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally. Thus SAF offers a feasible solution for the aviation industry to meet emissions reduction targets and contribute to international efforts to combat climate change.

Enhanced Environmental Sustainability

Overall, SAF contributes to enhanced environmental sustainability in the aviation industry by reducing carbon emissions, lowering particulate matter emissions, diversifying fuel sources, promoting sustainable practices, supporting renewable energy, and reducing the industry’s overall environmental footprint. As the aviation sector continues to embrace SAF, it moves closer to achieving its environmental goals and ensuring a more sustainable future for aviation.

Khaitan Bio Energy: Pioneering Sustainable Solutions

The demand for SAF is increasing day by day. Meanwhile, Khaitan Bio Energy focusses to emerge as a prominent player in India’s biofuel sector. Ethanol, as one of the renewable fuels, is being produced on a large scale and at a competitive price to meet the growing demand for SAF. Khaitan Bio Energy specializes in producing 2G ethanol, a key component in SAF production, utilizing its expertise in biofuel manufacturing. This type of ethanol, sourced from non-edible biomass like agricultural residues offers an eco-friendly alternative to conventional fossil fuels. 

With its patented process and a focus on innovation, Khaitan Bio Energy looks to be at the forefront of India’s SAF supply chain. By delivering high-quality 2G ethanol at a significant scale, the company aims to contribute to India’s SAF blending objectives, promoting sustainable aviation projects, and driving economic development in rural areas.


In conclusion, Sustainable Aviation Fuel represents a significant step towards making the aviation industry more environmentally sustainable. By reducing carbon emissions, lowering particulate matter emissions, decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, and promoting sustainable practices, SAF offers a viable solution to the aviation sector’s environmental challenges. As the industry continues to embrace SAF and invest in sustainable technologies, we move closer to a future where aviation and environmental stewardship go hand in hand, ensuring cleaner skies for generations to come.

Pioneering Sustainable Aviation: The Rise of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)    


The aviation industry, long criticized for its significant carbon footprint, is undergoing a remarkable transformation with the advent of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). As countries worldwide commit to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Europe’s instruction requiring flights to have 2% SAF by 2025 is a bold initiative. Similarly, India’s pledge to blend 1% SAF into aviation fuel by the same year signals a significant step towards sustainability. In this blog, we explore the journey of SAF, the implications of these mandates, and how Khaitan Bio Energy is poised to play a pivotal role in India’s SAF production.

The Rise of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

SAF, or bio-jet fuel, is derived from renewable feedstocks such as agricultural residues, waste oils, and algae. Unlike conventional jet fuel, SAF significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. Thus making it a vital component in the aviation industry’s quest for sustainability. It is estimated that SAF could contribute around 65% of the reduction in emissions. Thus needed by aviation to reach NET ZERO CO2 emissions by 2050.

It is sustainable because the raw feedstock does not compete with food crops or water supplies. Otherwise is responsible for forest degradation. Whereas fossil fuels add to the overall level of CO2 by emitting carbon that had been previously locked away. Also SAF recycles the CO2 which has been absorbed by the biomass used in the feedstock during the course of its life. By design, these SAFs are drop-in solutions, which can be directly blended into existing fuel infrastructure at airports. And are fully compatible with modern aircraft. In 2022, global SAF production was estimated to be around 375 million litres. Thus covering only around 0.1% to 0.15% of total jet fuel demand. 

Europe’s Mandate: Leading the Charge for Sustainability

In a landmark move, the European Union (EU) has mandated that all flights arriving in European airports must incorporate at least 2% SAF into their fuel mix by 2025. This ambitious target underscores Europe’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions in the aviation sector. It sets a precedent for global sustainability efforts. The mandate incentivizes airlines to invest in SAF and spurs innovation and biofuel industry investments.

The legislation provides for incorporating SAF for 2% of their overall fuel mix from next year, rising to 6% in 2030 and then soaring to 70% in 2050. These requirements will apply to all flights originating in the EU, regardless of destination. Airlines will receive approximately two billion euros in funding from the EU carbon market to assist with the transition. 

SAF production in Europe is still in its early stages. As highlighted by Airlines for Europe (A4E), an association representing major airline groups on the continent, such as Ryanair, Lufthansa, IAG, Air France-KLM, and easyJet. As compared with traditional jet fuel, SAF is significantly more expensive. However the costs are expected to come down as more technological advancements take place in this space. By steadily increasing the percentage of SAF mandated for fueling, they hope to drive the SAF production costs down. This is a necessity as the EU does not currently have the production capacity to meet the SAF required under the 2025 2% mandate.

The U.S. Sustainable Skies Act

The aviation industry in the U.S. accounts for over 11% of transportation related GHG emissions. To achieve NET ZERO emissions, the U.S. Government is working closely with the private sector to increase the production of SAF. The U.S. Congress introduced the Sustainable Skies Act in May 2021, aiming to boost incentives to use SAF by providing tax credits to manufacturers. The credit will start at 1.50 USD per gallon for blenders that supply SAF with a demonstrated 50% or greater lifecycle GHG savings. These tax credits will help cut costs and rapidly scale domestic production of sustainable fuels for aviation.

In early September 2021, the U.S. announced a new sustainable aviation fuel goal to increase the production of SAF to at least 13 billion litres per year by 2030 and to 160 billion litres per year by 2050, thereby putting the aviation sector on the pathway to achieve NET ZERO carbon emissions by 2050.

India’s Ambitious Goals: A Paradigm Shift in Aviation

Following Europe’s lead, India has set its sights on sustainable aviation, aiming to blend 1% SAF into aviation fuel by 2025. This mandate, announced by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, represents a paradigm shift in India’s aviation sector. Also this aligns with the country’s broader climate goals. By promoting the use of SAF, India seeks to reduce its carbon footprint. Thus enhance energy security, and foster innovation in the biofuel industry.

India, guided by Prime Minister Modi, is determined to attain net zero emissions by 2070. This demonstrates that this vision is supported by tangible commitments as well.

Union Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Housing & Urban Affairs, Hardeep Singh Puri, has once again emphasized it. The importance of India implementing mandatory blending of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) with jet fuel. During an exclusive interview with Moneycontrol at the India Energy Week 2024, the minister stated that discussions are currently taking place to introduce this mandatory blending. Furthermore, he highlighted that India and Brazil are the only two countries in the world that can become major SAF manufacturers.

Puri stated, “If Europe were to introduce a mandatory SAF blending of 5 percent with Jet Fuel, India and Brazil would be the only two countries capable of manufacturing the required SAF.” He further suggested that the Indian government could significantly increase its SAF production. This is by incentivizing the collection of used cooking oil from hotels, restaurants, and street vendors.

India currently needs policies governing Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), unlike Europe or the US. However, in an effort to reduce emissions and contribute to a more sustainable planet, India has set a target of using 1% SAF for domestic flights by 2025. This is as stated by our Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas. The adoption of SAF in India would signify a significant milestone in our commitment to environmentally responsible aviation operations.

Khaitan Bio Energy: Powering India’s Transition to SAF

Amidst these mandates and growing demand for SAF, Khaitan Bio Energy emerges as a key player in India’s biofuel landscape. To meet the rising demand of SAF, ethanol is one of the few renewable fuels. This is currently being commercially produced at relatively large scale and low price.

Leveraging its expertise in biofuel production, Khaitan Bio Energy specializes in manufacturing 2G ethanol, a crucial precursor to SAF production. 2G ethanol, derived from non-edible biomass such as agricultural residues and municipal waste, is an environmentally sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

Khaitan Bio Energy’s advanced production facilities and commitment to innovation position it as a frontrunner in India’s SAF supply chain. By producing high-quality 2G ethanol at scale, Khaitan Bio Energy contributes to India’s SAF blending targets, supports sustainable aviation initiatives, and fosters economic growth in rural communities. 

Conclusion: A Sustainable Future for Aviation

The mandates set by Europe, U.S. and India underscore the aviation industry’s shift towards sustainability. And also the crucial role of SAF in achieving this vision. As countries worldwide embrace renewable energy solutions, companies like Khaitan Bio Energy play a pivotal role in driving innovation. Thus reducing emissions, and building a more sustainable future for aviation. Through collaboration, investment, and technological advancement, we can pave the way for a cleaner, greener aviation sector that benefits both the planet and future generations.

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