Clean Energy

Clean energy is the energy from sources that release air pollutants, while green energy is derived from natural sources. There is a precise difference between these two energy types, even though they are often same.

Renewable energy is generated from sources that are constantly being replenished. Unlike fossil fuels and gas, these renewable energy resources won’t run out and include wind and solar energy.

While most green sources of energy are renewable, but not all renewable sources are green. For example, hydropower is a renewable resource. Still, some would argue that it is not green since the deforestation and industrialization for the construction of hydro dams may cause damage to the environment.

It is best to combine renewable energy sources with green energy, such as solar and wind power, to make the perfect mix of clean energy.

Asimple way to identify the differences between these are:

  • Clean energy means clean air
  • Green energy means natural sources
  • Renewable energy means recyclable sources

How does it work?

Clean energy produces power without adverse environmental impacts, such as releasing greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. Solar power, wind power, and some hydro resources are all clean energy sources.

Why is it so Important?

The important aspect of clean energy is the environmental benefits of keeping mother earth clean. While clean, renewable resources save the world’s natural resources, they also reduce the threat of ecological disasters, similar to energy tumbles or the problems associated with natural gas leaks. With energy diversification through different power plants using various energy sources, it’s possible to produce dependable power inventories to enhance energy security, ensuring enough to meet our demands.


Clean energy provides a variety of environmental and profitable benefits, including a reduction in air pollution. Different clean energy sources also reduce the need for imported fuels( and the associated fiscal and environmental costs they dodge).

Renewable clean energy also has essential cost savings, as there’s no need to extract and transport energies, similar to oil or coal, as the resources naturally replenish.

Another artificial benefit of a clean energy blend is the creation of jobs to develop, manufacture and install the clean energy coffers of the future.

How Can Clean Energy Be Used?

Wind power attaches a windmill to a generator, turning the blades into force. This form of energy has been using for centuries to grind grain, pump water, or perform other mechanical tasks. But it has various application in producing electricity. Onshore and offshore wind farms are becoming increasingly prevalent. Nevertheless, wind power can also utilized at a much smaller scale to generate electricity, even to recharge mobile phones. Aside from these examples of renewable sources, some include geothermal, biomass, and tidal power, which all have advantages and applications.


Clean energy have various applications, from electricity generation to heating water, depending on the energy source.

Solar energy has application in heating and lighting structures, generating electricity, heating water directly, and cooling. Solar panels allow power from the sun to collect and turn into electricity. For instance, numerous people use solar energy for batteries and small theatre lanterns. Still, this same clean energy technology can gauged up to larger panels that used to give power to homes or other structures or, indeed, installations of multiple solar panels, similar to a community solar panel array to entire power municipalities.

Water is another clean resource. Hydroelectric power plants are most apparent, which take water inflow from streams, rivers or lakes to produce electricity. A less quantity of water use comes through external pipes in municipalities and towns. Since there is a huge dependence on water in a day to day life, there’s a move towards employing this energy to help meet domestic and other power requirements. As generators are cheaper to make, this use of external water is getting closer to being a diurnal reality.

Wind power attaches a windmill to a creator, turning the blades into force. This energy has application for many years to grind grain, pump water, or perform other mechanical tasks, but it’s now used more frequently to produce electricity. Onshore and offshore wind granges are getting decreasingly current. Nonetheless, wind power can also employed at a much lower scale to produce electricity, indeed to recharge mobile phones.

Away from these exemplifications of renewable sources, some include geothermal, biomass, and tidal power, which all have advantages and operations.

The Future of Clean Energy

The future of clean energy looks bright. Recently there was an increase installation of renewable energy capacity globally than that of the combination of fossil fuel and nuclear power. Renewable sources now contribute more than one-third of globally installed power capacity. 

As the world population grows, an ever-increasing demand for energy and renewable sources is the answer to providing sustainable energy solutions while protecting the planet from climate change.

Cities and states are also creating policies to increase the usage of renewable energy, which is happening more than just nationally. Several places have set renewable energy portfolios to require a certain percentage of energy to generate from renewable sources. Over 100 cities worldwide now use at least 70% renewable energy. As more towns drive towards becoming 100% renewable, corporations also play an important role by purchasing huge dependency on renewable power.

Clearly, due to fossil fuels being a finite resource, it is clear that the future is renewable, so renewable sources expect to continue to increase in future.

How Can Clean Energy Reduce Global Warming?

Humans have been using fossil fuels for past many decades, and their use increases due to the release of the GHG that produced as a result of burning these fuels. These GHG trap hot rays of the sun in the atmosphere, causing the Earth’s temperature to rise. Global warming is a symptom of climate change that has led to increased extreme weather events, shifting wildlife habitats, rising sea levels and other effects.

Since renewable energy sources don’t result in the emission of GHG such as carbon dioxide, they do not contribute to global warming. Due to these renewable sources, climate change is not advanced, and measures such as reforestation can mitigate the damage already done to the climate.

Can Clean Energy Replace Fossil Fuels?

Since humans have been using fossil fuels for decades, meaning the switch to clean energy has been relatively recent. So, renewable energy sources are still unpredictable and need to meet our global demands for energy. This may show that renewable energy has to get replace with carbon-based sources.

However, it is clear that our energy needs can balance by efficiently storing renewable energy when the demand is present. Much work is focused to improve clean energy’s infrastructure and storage capabilities. With studies showing that clean, renewable energy may replace fossil fuels by 2050.

How Will Clean Energy Help Our Economy?

The creation of jobs related to the manufacture, installation and maintenance of clean energy solutions. It is one of the financial benefits of clean energy. Renewable energy and clean energy are growth sectors as the world moves away from fossil fuels. That means more opportunities will arise in eMobility for power generation and storage.

Of course, the financial implications of clean energy are just part of the story since the real intention behind using clean energy is to create a better future for this universe, so clean energy is good for the environment and a forward step for the industry.


Clean energy can be obtained from various sources. This, when put together, could create solutions for our energy needs.

  • A year’s worth of energy may generated by solar energy alone since the amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth’s surface in one hour is enough to cover the entire world’s energy needs. Of course, solar power has a limit in daytime, the seasons of the year and geographical location. Despite this, solar energy is already has application in both a significant and a domestic level.
  • Wind power is a form of clean energy, with wind farms providing an excellent contribution to power in the UK and elsewhere. When domestic ‘off grid’ wind energy is available, only some properties are suitable for wind turbines.
  • Hydropower is the main commercial clean energy source. This energy source is really more reliable than either wind or solar power and allows for the easy storage of the energy generate so that it can find uses in line with demand. Municipal hydropower also undergoes investigation, meaning that the future could see us all using water flow through pipes in our homes to generate electricity. The use of tidal energy is a large-scale version of hydropower that provides a reliable and predictable supply of energy, although it is not a constant source of energy.
  • TWI has been advancing geothermal power, which harnesses the heat below the Earth’s surface. This is to heat homes or produce electricity. This resource is highly effective in some regions than others. 
  • Biomass uses solid fuel created from plant materials to get electricity. Although this energy source still needs burning of stubbles. Usage of agricultural, industrial and domestic waste as solid, liquid and gas fuel is economical and has environmental benefits.

Is Clean Energy Clean?

All clean energy sources are ‘clean’ by definition. However, not all renewable energy sources are fully clean. For instance, burning wood from sustainably managed forests can be renewable, but it is not pure since this releases harmful gases into the atmosphere.

A truly clean and renewable energy source has zero carbon cost of production and storage, and that is what makes solar power and wind energy clean and renewable.


Clean energy is the future for the power needs of humanity across the globe as reliance on fossil fuels continues to diminish. As the drive towards clean, green and renewable energy continues to im[rove, the cost will fall, and so new plans to develop and install these new power solutions.

More and more people recognize the benefits of clean energy, and so more countries, states and nations sign up for a green power agenda; this will continue to advance.

Renewable Energy

With innovation, renewable power is booming and beginning to keep the promise of a clean energy future. As solar and wind power generation increase, they are integrated into the national electric grid without compromising sustainability.

This means renewables are increasingly displacing non-renewable fossil fuels for generating power, offering the benefit of lower carbon emissions and other forms of pollution. Biomass and giant hydroelectric dams create difficult trade-offs when considering the impact on life-sustaining on the earth, climate change, and other related problems.

 Renewable Energy In Brief

Renewable energy, often called clean energy, comes from natural sources or constantly replenishing processes. Example: Sunlight and wind are renewable sources, even if their availability depends mainly on time and weather conditions.

It is often believed that renewable energy is a new technology when harnessing nature’s power has been used for centuries for heating, transportation, lighting, and more. Over the past 500 years, humans have increasingly turned to dirtier, cheaper energy sources, such as coal and fracking.

Renewable energy sources are becoming more critical now that we have innovative and cheap methods to capture and retain wind and solar energy. Renewables are also expanding at large and small scales, from giant offshore wind farms to rooftop solar panels on homes, enabling power back to the grid.

Dirty energy

Non-renewable energy is also known as dirty energy. It mainly includes fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal, and Non-renewable energy sources are available in limited amounts.

Sources of non-renewable energy are also found in particular parts of the world, making them more plentiful in some countries than others. In contrast, every country has access to sunshine and wind. Prioritizing renewable energy can also raise national security by lowering a country’s dependence on fossil fuel exports–rich nations.

Many non-renewable energy sources can endanger our mother planet or its persisting life. For example, oil drilling might require strip-mining boreal forests in Canada; the technology associated with hydraulic fracturing may result in earthquakes and water pollution. Similarly, coal power plants may cause air pollution. Moreover, all of these will eventually contribute to global warming.


Image showing types of renewable energy

Solar Energy

Humans have been using solar energy for many decades—for cultivation, dry foods, and many other daily needs.

Solar or photovoltaic (PV) cells are of silicon or other materials that convert sunlight directly into electricity. Distributed solar systems can produce electricity locally for homes and similar small-scale businesses through rooftop panels or community projects that power entire neighbourhoods. In solar farms, mirrors focus sunlight on acres of solar cells to provide enough energy for thousands of homes. Floating solar farms or “photovoltaics”. It can effectively use wastewater facilities and bodies of water that aren’t ecologically sensitive.

As long as they are appropriately sited, solar energy systems produce no air pollutants or greenhouse gases, and most solar panels have little environmental impact beyond the manufacturing process.

Wind energy

Recently, as tall as skyscrapers—with turbines nearly as wide in diameter—stand at attention worldwide. A force from the wind turns the turbine’s blades, which supports an electric generator and generates electricity.

Other Possible Sources of Energy

Hydroelectric power

Hydropower is the largest and most common renewable energy source for electricity. Hydropower means the power produced by water. The fast flowing water in a large river or rapidly falling water from a high level. This force of water then undergo convertion into electricity by spinning a generator’s turbine blades.

Large hydroelectric plants or mega dams are often considered non-renewable energy globally. Mega-dams divert and reduce natural flows and control access for life that rely on those rivers. Similarly, small hydroelectric plants should undergo careful management and do not cause as much environmental damage as they divert only a tiny fraction of the flow.

Biomass energy

Biomass is an organic material from plants and animals, including crops, waste wood, and trees. When stubble undergo burning, the energy liberation is mainly through heat, which produces electricity.

When producing electricity, biomass is often known as a cleaner, greener alternative to coal and other fossil fuels. However, recent studies have shown that many forms of biomass—especially from forests—have higher emissions of greenhouse gases than fossil fuels. There are also negative consequences for biodiversity. Still, some forms of biomass energy emit fewer greenhouse gases. For example, sawdust and chips from sawmills can be used as low-carbon energy sources.

Geothermal energy

The core of the earth is about as hot as the sun, and it is due to the slow degradation of radioactive particles in rocks at the centre. Using deep well drilling, boiling underground water can brought to the surface, which is pumped through a turbine to generate electricity. When geothermal plants pump steam and water into reservoirs, their emissions are usually low. There are ways to grow geothermal plants without underground reservoirs. However, there are concerns about an increased risk of an earthquake in those areas where there is geological hot spots.


It is still early for tidal and wave energy, but the ocean will always dominated by the moon’s gravity, which makes harnessing it attractive. Some tidal energy approaches, such as tidal barrages, work like dams in an ocean bay or lagoon and may harm wildlife. Tidal power depends on structures on a dam-like system or devices anchored on the ocean floor.

Renewable Energy in Daily Life

Solar power

Using the sun’s rays to power the whole house at a smaller scale through PV cell panels or passive solar home design is possible. Passive solar homes designed to welcome the sun through south-facing windows. It is to retain the warmth through tiles, concrete, bricks and other materials that store heat.

A solar-powered home may generate more power than it needs so that the homeowner can sell the excess electricity to the grid. Batteries are also an economically viable way to store extra solar energy at night. Scientists are hard at work on new approaches that blend properties and functions, such as solar windows.

Geothermal heat pumps

Some coils in the back of your fridge act as a mini heat pump, which removes heat from the interior, keeping foods fresh and cool. This technology is a new take on a recognizable process. In a home, geothermal or geo-exchange pumps use the earth’s temperature to cool homes in summer, warm houses in winter and even heat water.

Geothermal systems can be initially expensive but typically pay off within 5 to 10 years. They are quieter, have fewer maintenance issues, and last longer than traditional air conditioners.

Small wind systems

Boats, ranchers, and cell phone companies regularly use small wind turbines. Recently it is now easy to get help with the site, installation, and maintenance of wind turbine homeowners too. A wind turbine may lower your dependence on the electrical grid depending on the electricity demand.

Selling the energy you collect.

Wind- and solar-powered homes can either stand-alone or connect to the larger electrical grid, as supplied by their power provider. Electric utilities in most states allow homeowners only to pay the difference between the grid-supplied electricity consumed and what they have produced. This process is called net metering. If you can generate more electric power than your requirements, your provider may pay you the retail price.

Renewable energy and you

Using renewable energy sources in your home or advocating for them can speed up the transition toward a clean energy future. Even if you can’t install solar panels, clean electricity may be an alternative. If renewable energy is unavailable through your utility, nowadays, purchasing renewable energy certificates to offset your use is possible.

Green Energy: Its importance, Types and Uses

What is Green Energy?

Green energy is any energy produced from natural resources, like sunlight, wind and water, and it usually comes from renewable energy sources.

The key to these energy resources is that they usually don’t harm the environment through factors such as releasing greenhouse gasses into the earth’s atmosphere.

How Does it Work?

Many renewable energy sources can produce green energy, such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and hydroelectric power. Each of these technologies works differently, whether by taking control from the sun, as with solar panels, or using wind turbines or water flow to generate energy.

What Does it Mean?

The definition of green energy is that it cannot emit pollution, such as fossil fuels do, which means that not all renewable energy sources are green. Using organic material from sustainable forests for power generation may be renewable, but the CO2 produced by the burning process makes it not necessarily green. 

It can take millions of years for fossil fuel sources, like coal or natural gas, to replenish themselves. Green sources are usually obtained without any mining or drilling operations which may damage the ecosystems.

Types of Green Energy

The primary types are wind energy, solar power and hydroelectric power. It may include tidal energy, which uses ocean energy from the tides in the ocean. Solar and wind power can be produced on a small scale in people’s homes or on a larger scale in industries.

Image showing types of green energy

The common types of energies are as follows:

Solar Power

Renewable energy, such as solar power, is usually generated using photovoltaic cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. Solar power is also used for heating buildings, cooking, and lighting. Solar energy has now become cheap enough to be applied for domestic uses. It includes garden lighting, although it is also used on a larger scale for entire power neighbor hoods.


Rather than burning stubble, these organic materials can transformed into fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel, thus protecting our mother planet. Having supplied just 2.7% of the world’s energy for transport in 2010, biofuels expects to meet over 25% of global transportation fuel demand by the year 2050.

Wind Power

Wind energy generates electricity by using air circulation around the world to push turbines that generate electricity offshore and at higher altitudes.


It is also known as hydroelectric power since it generates electricity using water flow in rivers, streams, dams, or elsewhere. A small-scale hydropower system can even be created using water that flows through pipes in the home, evaporation or rainfall.

Geothermal Energy

This green power uses thermal energy which is obtained from under the earth’s crust. However this resource requires drilling thereby calling the environmental impact into question, it is a considerable resource once tapped into. Thousands of years ago, hot springs were heated by geothermal energy, and today, this same resource is used to generate electricity using steam. The energy stored in the United States alone is enough to produce ten times as much electricity as coal currently can. Iceland, for example, has easy-to-access geothermal resources, but the help relies on its location to be helpful. To be fully ‘green,’ the drilling procedures must be closely monitored.


The renewable resource must also carefully managed to be accurately labelled as a ‘green energy’ source. Biomass power plants generate energy from wood waste, sawdust, and agricultural waste that can burned. While burning these materials releases a greenhouse gas, emissions are still lower than those from petroleum-based fuels.

Why is it so Important?

Green energy is essential for the environment as it replaces the adverse effects of fossil fuels with more environmentally-friendly alternatives. Since it is derived from natural resources, green energy is also often renewable and clean. It means that they emit no greenhouse gases and are usually readily available.

A green energy source releases lesser greenhouse gases than fossil fuels over the course of its life cycle, as well as fewer or low levels of air pollutants. This is not only supporting our planet earth but also better for the health of living organisms that have to breathe the air.

Using green energy can also help stabilize energy prices as these sources are often locally produced and are not affected by geopolitical crises, price spikes, or supply chain disruptions. Economic benefits include creating jobs in building facilities that serve the communities where the workers are employed. Renewable energy created more than million jobs in last few years worldwide.

Due to the energy production through solar and wind power sources, the energy infrastructure is more flexible, less dependent on centralized sources that can lead to disruption, and less resilient to weather-related climate change.

Green energy also represents a low-cost solution for the global energy requirements of many parts of the world. With costs continuing to drop, green energy will become more accessible, especially to developing nations.


Some examples of green energy are in use today, from energy production to thermal heating for buildings, roads and transport. Many industries are now investigating green solutions, and here are a few examples:

Heating and Cooling in Buildings

Green energy solutions used for buildings ranges from large office blocks to people’s homes. These include solar water heaters, biomass-fuelled boilers, direct heat from geothermal, and cooling systems powered by renewable sources.

Industrial Activities

Renewable heat for industrial activities can run using biomass or renewable electricity. Hydrogen is now a significant renewable energy provider for constructing materials like cement, iron, steel and chemical industries.


Sustainable biofuels and renewable electricity are growing globally in use for transportation across various industry sectors. Automotive is an obvious example as electrification rises to replace te use of fossil fuels, but aerospace and construction are other areas actively investigating electrification.

Can It Replace Fossil Fuels?

Green energy may replace fossil fuels in the coming future. However, it may require diverse production from different means to achieve this objective. Geothermal is usually effective in places where this resource is easy to tap. At the same time, wind energy or solar power is a better way on the basis of geographic locations.

As green energy sources combines to meet global needs. So there is progress in producing and developing these resources, and therefore there is a chance of fossil fuels to phase out eventually.

Despite the fact that we are still some years away from this happening, it is necessary to lower climate change, improve the environment, and move toward a more sustainable future.

Economical Viability

The economic viability of green energy depends on a comparison with fossil fuels. As readily-accessible fossil fuels are undergoing depletion, the cost of this type of energy will only escalate.

Additionally, greener energy sources are becoming cheaper as fossil fuels become more expensive. Other factors favour green energy, like the ability to produce relatively inexpensive localized energy solutions like solar farms. The interest, investment and development of green energy solutions are bringing costs down as we continue to build up our knowledge and can build on past breakthroughs.

As a result, green energy can become not only economically viable but also the preferred option.

Which Type Is The Most Efficient?

Efficiency in green energy is dependent on location. If you have frequent and intense sunlight, it is easy to create a fast and efficient solution for power.

However, to truly compare different energy types, it is necessary to analyze the entire life cycle of an energy source. This process includes an assessment of the energy requires to create green energy resources. Analyzing how much energy can be convert into electricity, and any necessary environmental clearing. Of course, ecological damage would prevent a source from genuinely being ‘green,’ but when all of these factorscombines, it creates a ‘Levelised Energy Cost‘ (LEC).

The most efficient source of green energy is wind farms, which require less refinement and processing than solar panels. Advances in composites technology and testing have helped improve wind turbine lifespan and LEC. However, the same can implement with solar panels, which also see a great deal of development.

A significant advantage of green energy solutions is that they typically require little additional energy expenditure. After they constructed since they often use readily renewable energy sources. Among these are wind energy and solar energy. For coal, usable energy generates just 29% of its original value, whereas wind power generates 1164%.

Renewable energy sources are ranked as follows in efficiency (may vary as developments continue):

  • Wind Power
  • Geothermal
  • Hydropower
  • Nuclear
  • Solar Power

Green Energy Empowering Safer Planet

As a result of the natural resources used in green energy, such as sunshine, wind and water, there are tangible benefits for the environment. Energy sources like these are constantly replenishing, so they are the complete opposite of fossil fuels, which emit greenhouse gases and are unsustainable.

Creating energy that has a zero carbon footprint is a great stride to create an environmental future. If we are able to use it to meet our power, industrial or transportation needs, we will significantly reduce our environmental impact.

Green Energy, Clean Energy and Renewable Energy –Difference

Using these terms interchangeably, a resource can be all of these three together. It may also be renewable but not green or clean (such as with some forms of biomass energy).

Green energy is energy that comes from natural sources, such as the sun.

 Clean energy does not release pollutants into the air. Clean energy comes from renewable, zero-emission sources that do not pollute the atmosphere when used, and energy efficiency measures save energy.

Renewable energy comes from constantly replenishing sources, such as hydro power, wind power or solar energy.  Renewable energy is that energy that comes from sources or processes that are constantly replenished. These energy sources include solar, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric power

Wind power is an example which comes under the three categories together. It is renewable, green and clean – since it comes from natural sources, self-replenishing and non-polluting sources.


Green energy is part of the world’s future, offering a cleaner and better alternative to many of today’s energy sources. Readily replenished, these energy sources are good for the environment and lead to a rise in employment and become more economically viable as the progress in development.

Since the fact that fossil fuels are a thing of the past, and so they do not provide a sustainable solution to our energy needs, by developing various green energy solutions, we can create a sustainable future for our energy provision without damaging the world we all live in.


Zero Liquid Discharge

What is ZLD?

Generally speaking, zero liquid discharge refers to a process that maximizes water recovery from a wastewater source otherwise destined for disposal. Salts and other solids are produced from wastewater and are usually disposed of in landfills. When all wastewater is purified and recycled, zero liquid is discharged at the end of the treatment cycle of zero-liquid discharge (ZLD).

Economic growth results in massive energy consumption, which leads to a series of environmental issues worldwide. Governments have been making strict emission standards for environmental protection. In the Paris Agreement, a universal environmental target to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. This led to ambitious decarbonization goals set for most developed countries to support with policies and laws. COP26 reaffirms the temperature goal in the Paris Agreement and phased out low-efficiency fossil fuel subsidies. The UK parliament passed an amendment for cutting emissions in 2019 to achieve the pollution reduction ambitions, which set a zero discharge emission precedent.

Ethanol production: focussing sustainability

The process that Khaitan implemented not only produces ethanol but also converts waste streams into high-value-added by-products by undergoing multistage refinery steps. Inorder to achieve zero liquid discharge, additional waste processing methods are carried out. It is possible to avoid water pollution in the proposed process due to an extra water recycling step.The use of fossil fuels as operation energy, however, results in increased CO2 emissions and reduced water pollution. To ensure the proposed bioethanol plant has an environmental advantage over traditional ethanol refinery plants, the CO2 emission per kWh for all kinds of electricity should not be over 0.11 kg/kWh. Thus, the proposed concept of zero discharge bioethanol plants could establish in Countries with access to sufficient renewable electricity supply.

Lignocellulosic biomass is one promising renewable resource due to its low price, abundance and efficient conversion technologies. On the one hand, the technologies to convert lignocellulosic biomass into biochemicals, such as biodegradable plastics, succinic acid and ethanol, are mature. These chemicals have the potential to replace fossil fuels-derived chemicals by providing technological support. Besides, the feedstock supply could ensure due to the abundance of availability globally.

Components of Bio refineries

In order to achieve zero liquid discharge, biomass to ethanol biorefinery plant includes the following nine main process steps. (1) feed handling. (2) feedstock pre-treatment. (3) enzyme production. (4) hydrolysis and fermentation. (5) distillation. (6) combined heat and power generation. (7) wastewater treatment. (8) storage. (9) utility management (water system and power system),

  At first, the feedstock undergoes loading and shredding for downsizing. Then pre-treated at a high temperature to decompose lignocellulosic biomass into its components like lignin and cellulose. For high-efficiency hydrolysis. Sulfuric acid, a proven competitive low-cost and high-efficiency pre-treatment solution widely applies in feedstock pre-treatment. Then, the pretreated feedstock mixes with an enzyme. This is produced in the enzyme production process for hydrolysis and fermentation under a suitable reaction condition. Finally, the glucose and pentoses hydrolyzed from cellulose and hemicellulose undergo catalyzing by an enzyme converting to ethanol. The ethanol distillation process will separate ethanol, lignin and stillage. The ethanol and stillage further process for storage and wastewater processing (the grey flow chart in, respectively. The storage plays a crucial role for elemental sources supplying to bioethanol plants.

Lignin Extraction

Extracted lignin from ethanol distillation and biogas from zero liquid discharge undergo combustion to produce energy mainly heat, power and steam. This is for biorefinery plant operation and electricity grid to increase plant profitability. The ash disposal is used for agricultural purposes in such cases. The utilities include on-site recirculation of cooling water and external electricity from the grid to support biorefinery plant operation.

It is clear that various waste streams such as CO2 and wastewater discarded to the environment causes secondary pollutants, simultaneously reduce the benefits to sustainable development. However, its original intention was to reuse agricultural waste and protect the environment. For instance, in ethanol refinery process, stillage from ethanol distillation contains abundant organics. This high-value contents convert to low-value biogas for combustion. Lignin is a substantial potential raw material for the chemistry industry. In comparison, most of the lignin in traditional bioethanol refineries will burn for power generation, which causes not only source waste but also environmental impact. There is no doubt that the lignocellulose-based bioethanol production cost is much higher than the ethanol market value. Thus, optimizing processing design and increasing by-product value is Khaitan bio energy focus on Zero discharge facility, thus focus on saving our mother planet.

ZLD Ethanol Plants

Compared to the traditional process, this work aims to maximize the value-added by-products and achieve zero waste emission. It proposes a by-products processing path that extracts value-added lignin, furfural and other organics. To realize this, wet stillage undergoes filtering and dried to separate lignin and wastewater in the lignin extraction process. In this process, the insoluble organics such as lignin, small amounts of water and soluble organics will get remove from stillage. The eutrophic wastewater will further extracted to generate furfural, ethanol and other organic powder by multistage fractionation in by-products purification processing and storing in storage. As with traditional bioethanol production, purified water will pump to feedstock pre-treatment processing for water recycling. Except for primary usage, the rest purified water will discharge into the environment. The organic powder will then return to the soil as fertilizer for soil organic matter protection.

Methods used

To achieve the innovation of the bioethanol production process, the design of the zero liquid discharge process stood on the excellent than previous traditional ethanol production. Therefore, Khaitan bio energy implements the by-products purification process and lignin extraction process focusing towards zero emission. In contrast, the other areas like feed loading, pre-treatment, enzyme production, hydrolysis and fermentation, distillation, utility, and storage.

CO2 emission

Regarding environmental impact, CO2 emission is a critical criterion for biorefinery ecological assessment. 

The calculation of CO2 emission of electricity is based on the data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) in 2020 in the US. The total CO2 emission of zero waste emission plant accounts for approximately 27.6 % of that in the traditional bioethanol plant. To extract high-concentration by-products from mixed aqueous solutions, a high volume of water should undergo distillation, resulting in significant electricity consumption in By-product purification


The zero discharge emission process is more competitive than traditional biorefinery plants. This is mainly in terms of profitability in the ethanol market particularly if possible to achieve low electricity prices. The pre-treatment and fermentation processes are critical in capital cost. High value-added by-products income improves the bioethanol plant’s profitability. 

Because the development of lignocellulosic biomass biorefinery is still developing, a substantial technical gap exists in replacing fossil chemicals. Although the purchase price of cellulosic biomass feedstocks is competitive with petroleum on an energy basis, the lack of economic competitiveness in biochemicals is the main challenge for biorefinery.


What is COP27?

COP is the short form for Conference of the Parties, with” parties” about the 197 countries that consented to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992.

This convention addresses” dangerous mortal hindrance with the climate system” and stabilizes situations of GHG emissions into the atmosphere. The U.N. climate body convenes those governments once a time to bandy addressing climate change. This is the 27th time different have gathered under the convention — hence, COP27.

The conference was from Nov. 6 through Nov. 18, 2022. But climate negotiations are famously contentious, so expect it to go into overtime.

 when was COP27

The meeting was held at Sharm el Sheikh. It is an Egyptian resort town on the Red Sea coast.

Two main sites for the COP27 event: are the Blue Zone and the Green Zone. 

The Blue Zone was at the Sharm el Sheikh International Convention Center, South of the town centre, mainly for the official negotiations. United Nations superintended the space, which is a concern to international law.

Across the road in the Peace Park Botanical Garden will be the Green Zone, and the Egyptian government will run that area and open it to the public.

The goal of COP27

The final goal of the conference was in dispute. Developed nations need to focus on ways to support developing nations in phasing out fossil fuels and transitioning to renewable energy.

Developing countries want a commitment to the money they need to address the disasters due to climate change they are already experiencing.

However, emerging countries need to find economic assistance for factors like relocating endangered areas or just making up for the economic growth lost to worsening floods, storms and heat waves. Industrialized nations, including the United States, have partly opposed a new fund. Because they fear being held legally liable for the rising damages happened by climate change.

It was the first climate summit in Africa since 2016. Many activists said they hope it will be an ‘African COP’ in both focus and location, as the African nations face some of the worst impacts of climate change.

Above 35,000 representatives are awaited to join the event, including U.S. President Biden and more than 100 heads of nation, according to the U.N. climate body. Over 40,000 people attended the 26th summit in Glasgow with 120 world leaders. But it’s still a substantial gathering for a year in which no significant decisions are officially expected.

Disapproval at COP26

 Climate activists have demonstrated their concern for the crisis through marches, hunger strikes, sit-ins, and other acts of civil disobedience at COP26.

Protests are planned in Sharm el Sheikh while world leaders highlight Egypt’s poor human rights record at COP27. As President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s government has criminalized free assembly and banned demonstrations, those demonstrations appear unlikely.

Sameh Shoukry, Egypt’s foreign minister, said that Egypt would permit some demonstrations at COP27. However only in a facility adjacent to the conference centre rather than in negotiating rooms or on the streets. Environmental activists said they remain fearful of climate change and global warming.

COPs in the past

Berlin was the site of the first COP in 1995. After a critical mass of nations approved the climate convention, which set the stage for two years later’s Kyoto Protocol.

In contrast, the Kyoto Protocol required wealthy, industrialized nations to cut emissions. However developing countries like China, India, and Brazil would reduce emissions voluntarily.

Climate change has been the subject of the last few decades of debate between the senate and the president over which nation is most responsible. In 2015, Obama’s authority broke the impasse by leading about 200 countries to sign the groundbreaking Paris climate agreement. For the first time, rich and developing countries agreed to act, albeit at various centres, to check out the solutions for climate change.

After the cancellation of the United States from the Paris accord, President Donald J. Trump rejoined the agreement under Vice President Joe Biden.

Although leaders made big contracts in Paris, nations need to take more actions to stave off the worst effects of climate change. At COP26, nations pledged to be more ambitious in Glasgow, and some have been. The United Nations reported recently that only about two dozen countries have followed through on their commitments.

Many world leaders, scientists, and activists agree that more ambition is needed even as nations begin to reduce their carbon footprints.

COP26 in Glasgow

COP26 produced the Glasgow Pact. It is an agreement among 200 nations. In a way to limit global temperature rise to under 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), nations are asked to “revisit and strengthen” their emissions targets by the end of 2022.

It is noticed that developed nations have failed to meet a decade-old promise to help deliver $100 billion annually by 2020, urging them to “at least double” finance for adaptation by 2025.

On the sidelines of the formal negotiations, many of the agreements were struck by countries and corporations. More than 100 countries agreed to reduce methane emissions, a potent planet-warming gas, by 30 per cent this decade. Another 130 countries vowed to prevent deforestation by 2030 and commit a huge fund toward the effort. Dozens of other countries promised to eliminate their coal plants eventually and sales of gasoline-powered vehicles in the upcoming years.

 COP26: Level of Execution

The United States passed a law last year to contribute $370 billion to drive the country away from fossil fuels and depend more on GHG emissions-free energies like solar, wind, and nuclear power. It is expected to get to its goal of cutting emissions at least 50 percentage below 2005 levels by 2025.

Does the 1.5-degree target matter?

It’s the threshold beyond which scientists say the likelihood of disastrous climate impacts — like severe heat waves, water scarcity, drop in crop production and collapse of the ecosystem— is relatively going up. Our mother earth has warmed by about 1.1 degrees Celsius.

Compelling global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius requires all nations to cut emissions faster and more profoundly than they already are doing.

Loss and damage

Loss and damage related to climate change the countries are passing on now are relatively high nowadays. But cannot acclimatize to impoverish, developing nations that have contributed the least to global warming. It’s a changing sanctum for the above 30 million people in Pakistan displaced by floods. Or they’re shifting communities in Fiji from aquatic plages because of rising waterbodies.

The Economic support during such calamities was discussed at COP27.

What is at stake at COP27?

This conference test whether the international community can respond to the rising urgency of the crisis.

The environmental activist and policy analyst Alden Meyer, who has attended 25 of the 26 climate change conferences, says negotiations must shift from haggling over legal terms to helping countries meet their emission pledges by the end of the year to prevent more catastrophes and protect the most vulnerable.

Solutions to Climate Changes

After decades of ferocious exploration, scientists has recognized a great deal regarding the climate system and the effects people are having on it. Scientific substantiation relating to climate change spans variety of fields of study and includes work from the knockouts of thousands of scientists. Scientists have strictly assessed and singly corroborated the substantiation hundreds of times, as described in this memo.

Three broad conclusions affect comprehensive assessments of scientific substantiation:

  1. People are causing the climate to change, mainly due to hothouse gas emigrations.
  2. Mortal-induced climate change is dangerous, and the consequences are potentially dire.
  3. We’ve numerous options for reducing the impacts of climate change.

These conclusions come from multiple lines of substantiation.

Solutions form Various Sectors

Options to lower the consequences of climate change generally fall into four fields:


 — sweats to reduce hothouse gas emigrations.

Mitigation reduces our future emissions of GHG to the atmosphere. This will affect lower human disturbance of the climate system– the amount that climate will change because of our emissions– and increases the chances that climate change will be manageable. Approaches to reducing emissions fall into several orders. These include
1) regulation;
2) exploration, development, and deployment of new technologies;
3) preservation of energy or land;
4) sweats to increase public mindfulness;
5) positive impulses to encourage choices that lower emigration;
6) increasing the cost of utilizing the atmosphere to dispose of greenhouse gases.
This last approach is particularly noteworthy because it anticipates to beget a broad-reaching reduction in emigration. It has entered a great deal of attention from the exploration community and is a focus of policy conversations. It can also be anticipated to induce net benefits by correcting a request failure( that emitters presently can use the atmosphere without paying for the cost of climate damage that they spawn).


 — adding society’s capacity to manage climate change.

Adaption involves the structure’s capacity to avoid, repel, and recover from climate change impacts. It includes regulating to reduce vulnerability, planning disaster recovery, assessing the effects of critical systems and resources etc. It also ensures compliance and monitoring, relocating vulnerable populations and resources. These are examples of ways to minimize compounding stresses. Mainly it concern about traditional air pollution, niche loss and decline, invasive species, species demolitions, and nitrogen deposits.

Geoengineering or Earth manipulation 

— new, deliberate intervention in the Earth system that tries to offset some of the impacts of hothouse gas emigrations.

Geoengineering or Earth manipulation, if feasible, might help lower greenhouse gas attention. Offset the global warming influence of Greenhouse gas emissions, address specific climate change impacts, or offer despair strategies in the event we need them. Geoengineering also creates pitfalls because attempts to alter the Earth’s system could lead to unintended and negative consequences. Two approaches admit the utmost attention reflecting the sun to space to neutralize hothouse gas warming and carbon remmoval( rooting carbon dioxide from the air and storing it deep in the ground or ocean). Carbon removal to match hu an emission isn’t presently possible. Reflecting sun would not address all consequences of hothouse gas emigration (e.g. ocean acidification).


 sweats to further understand the climate system, our impact on it, the consequences, or the response options themselves.

Research works includes Exploration, compliances, scientific assessment, and technology development. It can increase understanding of the Earth system. Similarly it reveal pitfalls or openings associated with the climate system, and support decision-making concerning climate change. The new knowledge could reveal new spaces for reducing the consequences of climate change. And thus help with the early discovery of successes and failures. As a result, programs to expand the knowledge base can bolster and support our responses to climate change.

Climate change is at the forefront of the political sphere as we head into 2023 and with the new administration. There is, however, a complex aspect to climate change, and it has the potential to overwhelm us. The reality is that real solutions will require action on a global scale in order to be implemented. But you can still make small changes in your day-to-day life in order to make a positive impact on the environment.

Renewable powers

We have to change our sources of energy to clean and renewable energy. Solar, Wind, Geothermal and biomass are among those. The main challenge is barring the burning of coal, oil and, ultimately, natural gas. The citizens of richer nations eat, wear, work, play and indeed sleep on the products made from renewable energies. And population developing nations want and arguably earn the same comforts, largely thanks to the energy stored in similar energies.
Oil is the lubricant of global frugality and fundamental to consumers and goods transportation. Coal is the main source, supplying roughly half of the electricity used worldwide. There are no exact results for reducing dependence on fossil energies. As an illustration, carbon-neutral biofuels can drive up the price of food and lead to timber destruction. While nuclear power doesn’t emit hothouse feasts, it produces radioactive waste, so every bit counts.


Every time, 33 million acres of timbers are cut down. Timber harvesting in the tropics contributes1.5 billion metric tons of carbon to the atmosphere. It shows 20 per cent of man- made GHG emissions and a source that could be avoided fairly fluently.
Better agricultural practices along with paper recycling and timber operation should be take. Balancing the quantity of wood taken out with the number of new trees growing could be a solution to control the climate changes.


Believe it or not, utmost people have to spend further amount on electricity to power bias when off than when on. Stereo outfit, computers, battery dishes and a host of other widgets and appliances consume further energy when switched off, so better unplug them.
Purchasing energy-effective widgets can also save energy and money — therefore precluding further Climate changes. To take but one illustration, effective battery dishes could save further than one billion kilowatt- hours of electricity —$ 100 million at current electricity prices and therefore help the release of further than one million metric tons of green house gases.


Currently, there are at least 6.6 billion people living, a number prognosticated by the United Nations to rise by at least nine billion by the middle of the century. TheU.N. Environmental Program estimates it requires 54 acres to sustain an average population — food, apparel and other coffers uprooted from the earth. Continuing similar population growth seems unsustainable.


Biofuels can have numerous negative impacts, from adding food prices to stinking up more energy than they produce. Hydrogen must be created, taking either reforming natural gas or electricity to crack water into molecules. Biodiesel hybrid electric vehicles which can plug into the grid overnightmay offer a better transportation result in the short term. Given the energy viscosity of diesel and the carbon-neutral ramifications of energy from shops, as well as the emigrations of electric machines. A recent study set up that the present quantum of electricity could give enough energy for the entire line of motorcars to switch to plug- in hybrids, as a solution to climate changes.

Reduce Consumption

The easiest way to reduce green house gas emissions is to buy lower stuff. Whether by abstaining an machine or employing a applicable grocery sack, cutting back on consumption results in smaller fossil energies being burned to prize, produce and transport products around the globe.
suppose green when making purchases. For case, if you’re in the request for a new auto, buy one that will last the long and have the least impact on the planet. Therefore, a used vehicle with a mongrel machine offers superior energy effectiveness over the long haul while saving the environmental impact of new auto manufacturing.

Sustainable Transportation

Our transport styles must be aligned with environmental conditions and reduce their carbon footmark. We must reevaluate our transport styles from the design stage towardseco-friendly transportation. Transportation is the alternate leading source of GHG gas emissions in theU.S.( burning a single gallon of gasoline produces 20 pounds of CO2). But it does not have to be that way.
One way to dramatically dock transportation energy needs is to move closer to work, use mass conveyance, or switch to walking, cycling or some other mode of transport that doesn’t bear anything other than mortal energy. There’s also the option of working from home and telecommuting several days a week.
Cutting down on long- distance trip would also help, most specially airplane breakouts, one of the fastest growing sources of GHG gas emissions and a source that arguably releases similar emigrations in the worst possible spot( advanced in the atmosphere). Flight travels are also one of the many sources of global- warming pollution for which there is not a feasible volition. The jets calculate on kerosene because it packs the most energy per pound, allowing them to travel far and fast. Yet, it takes roughly 10 gallons of oil painting to make one gallon of spurt energy. Confining flying to only critical, long- distance passages to various parts of the world, trains can replace aeroplanes for short- to medium- distance passages — would help check airplane emissions.

Sea and Ocean preservation

In terms of storage capacity, oceans and seas are considered to be the largest reservoirs of greenhouse gases. They provide an exceptional support system for life on this planet. In order to protect our natural resources, we must limit overfishing, develop in a sustainable manner in coastal areas, and consume those products which are environmentally friendly.

Circular economy

Using the three r’s of circular economy, that is, to “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”, is highly important to reduce our waste and avoid excessive production significantly. So Waste Management & Recycling should also be done properly in order to reduce the effect of climatic changes in the future. Adapting our production methods to our consumption patterns is the easiest way to reduce waste. Taking recycling into account in our consumption habits is also important

Future Fuels

Replacing Fossil energies may prove the great challenge of the 21st century. Numerous contenders live, ranging from ethanol deduced from crops to hydrogen electrolyzed out of the water, but all of them have some downsides, too, and none are incontinently available at the scale demanded.

But plug- in hybrids would still calculate on electricity, now generally generated by burning coal. Massive investment in low- emigration energy generation, whether solar- thermal power or nuclear fission, would be needed to radically reduce green house gas emissions. And indeed more academic energy sources hyphens humanity’s first planet wide trial. But, if all else fails, it could not be the last. So- called geoengineering, radical interventions to either block harmful sun rays or reduce green house gases, is a implicit last resort for addressing the challenge of climate change.

Climate Change: Causes and Effects

Climate change specifies to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These changes may be natural, such as through divergence in the solar cycle. However since the 1800s, human activities are the main cause of climate change. Mainly due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.

Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions like a blanket wrapped around the Earth’s atmosphere, trapping the Sun’s heat and raising temperatures.

Examples of greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change include carbon dioxide and methane. These come from using gasoline to drive a car or coal to heat etc. Deforestation can also release carbon dioxide, and landfills for garbage constitute a significant source of emission of green house gases

It is the highest level of greenhouse gas concentrations.

 And emissions is still rising. And therefore the Earth is now about 1.1°C warmer than ever before. 2011-2020 was the warmest decade on record.

Climate change not only means warmer temperatures. But also the temperature rise is only the starting of the many other problems. Since the Earth is a system where everything is interconnected, changes in one section will result changes to all other sections too.

Intensified droughts, water scarcity, severe fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar ice, catastrophic storms, and declining biodiversity have all been linked to climate change.

The impacts of climate change are diverse for different people.

 Climate change can affect even our day-to-day life. Many of us are already vulnerable to climate impacts, mainly consisting of people living in small island nations and other similar developing areas. Problems like sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion are rising, so the communities nearby must relocate. Also, protracted droughts are putting people at risk of famine. Shortly, the number of “climate refugees” is expected to rise. 

 Climate Change: The Causes

Human activities are promoting the global warming trend observed since the mid-20th century.

  • The greenhouse effect is highly essential for sustaining life on Earth. But human-made pollution in is trapping heat.
  • The five essential greenhouse gases causing climate change are CO2, nitrous oxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, and water vapour.

 About 90% of this heat is absorbed by greenhouse gases and re-radiated; thus, it is slowing heat loss to space.

Power Generations

Generating power and heat by burning fossil fuels causes many global emissions of greenhouse gases. Electricity is mainly generated by burning coal, oil, or gas, which produces potent greenhouse gases. Globally, electricity also comes from wind, solar and other renewable sources, which emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air as opposed to fossil fuels.

Manufacturing goods

Manufacturing and industry produce emissions, mainly from burning fossil fuels, to have energy for manufacturing things like cement, iron, clothes, steel, electronics, plastics and other goods. Mining and other industrial processes release gases, as does the construction industry. Machines used in manufacturing often run on coal, oil, or gas; some materials, like plastics, are made from chemicals sourced from fossil fuels. The manufacturing industry is a prominent donor of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.


Cutting down trees to make farmlands, or for similar other reasons, causes emissions of CO2. When they are cut, they release the CO2 they have been storing inside. Every year about 12 million hectares of forest undergo destruction. Since forests absorb CO2 destroying them also limits nature’s ability to emit gases out of the atmosphere. Deforestation, agriculture, and other land use changes are also responsible for a limited amount of emission of greenhouse gases.


Most vehicles like cars, trucks, ships and planes run on fossil fuels. That makes transportation a significant contributor to greenhouse gases, especially carbon-dioxide emissions. Road vehicles account for the most important part, due to the combustion of petroleum-based products, in internal combustion engines. But greenhouse gas emissions from ships and planes continue to grow. Transport contributes to nearly one-quarter of global energy-related CO2 emissions. And as per the report, there will be a significant increase in energy use for transportation in the upcoming decades.

Food production

Food production causes emissions of CO2, methane, and other greenhouse gases in various ways. It also includes deforestation and clearance of land for agriculture and grazing, the production and use of fertilizers and other chemicals for crop cultivation, and the energy consumption to run farm equipment or fishing boats with fossil fuels. All this makes food production a significant promoter of climate change. 


Residential and commercial buildings worldwide consume over half of all electricity. Since they continue to depend on coal, oil, and natural gas for various purposes, they emit significant greenhouse gas emissions. Growing energy demand for heating and cooling, rising air-conditioner ownership, and increased electricity consumption for lighting, appliances, and connected devices, have contributed to a rise in emissions of greenhouse gases from buildings recently.

High rate of Consumption 

Your daily work, power usage, how and what you consume and how much you waste all contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. So indirectly, it relies on consuming goods such as clothing, electronics, plastics etc. A large amount of global greenhouse gas emissions is linked to private households.

 Our lifestyles have a subtle impact on our planet.

 A rise in global warming is a serious issue.

 According to UN reports, limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C will avoid the worst climate changes and maintain a suitable climate. Even then, currently, reports are showing a 2.8°C rise in temperature within a few years. 

 Some countries produce greenhouse gases much more than others. The 100 least-emitting countries have about 3 per cent of total emissions, and the 10 countries with the most significant emissions are about 68 per cent. So even though everyone must take climate action, those creating more of the problem have a higher responsibility for immediate action.

Effects of Climate Changes

Global climate change is not a problem we must face in the future. Changes to Earth’s climate driven by rising emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases have boundless effects on the environment: melting of glaciers and ice sheets, plant and animal geographical locations are shifting, and plant and trees are blooming sooner. Some changes like droughts, wildfires, and extreme rainfall are happening faster than previously predicted. As the IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ) – the United Nations body responsible for assessing climate change – points out, modern humans have never seen such changes in our global climate. Some of these changes will be irreversible in the coming years.

  • The melting of glaciers and ice sheets, rising sea level, and more intense heat waves are some of the effects of climate change.
  • Some reports show that global temperature rises from human-made pollutants will continue. As a result, severe weather damage will also increase and intensify in the upcoming years.

Hotter temperatures

As greenhouse gas concentrations increase, the global surface temperature is also rising. The period 2011-2020 is the warmest ever on record. Since the 1980s, each decade has been more generous than the previous one. Moreover, land areas are becoming warmer. Rising temperatures increase heat-related illnesses and make working outdoors more difficult. Wildfires start more quickly and spread more rapidly when conditions are more alluring…

Severe storms

Destructive and heavy storms are becoming more frequent in many parts of the world. When temperatures rise, more moisture evaporates, resulting in extreme rainfall and flooding, causing more violent storms. The warming ocean also affects the frequency and extent of tropical storms. Cyclones, hurricanes, and typhoons feed on warm waters at the ocean surface. These storms often destroy homes and communities, causing deaths and substantial economic losses.

Increased drought

Climate change is affecting water availability, making it scarcer in more regions. Global warming results in water shortages in already water-stressed areas. It also leads to a high risk of agricultural droughts affecting crops, thereby increasing ecosystem vulnerability. It can also cause destructive sand and dust storms that shift tons of sand across the vast land area. This results in expansions, thereby reducing land for growing food. Many people now need more water regularly.

Warming and rising ocean temperature

The sea’s temperature variation rate has enormously increased over the last few years overall oceanic depth. As the ocean warms, its volume increases as the water expand while heating. The melting of glaciers also causes sea levels to rise, threatening coastal areas. In addition, the ocean absorbs CO2, keeping it from the atmosphere. But more carbon dioxide makes the ocean acidic, which endangers marine life and coral reefs.

Loss of species

Climate change risks species’ survival on land and in the ocean, and these risks rise as temperatures increases. As a result of climate change, the world is losing species at 1,000 times greater than at any other time in recorded human history. One million species risk becoming extinct within the next few decades. Forest fires, extreme weather, invasive pests and diseases are many threats to climate change. Some species can relocate and survive, while others can’t.

Scarcity of food

Climate changes and increases in extreme weather also lead to global hunger and malnutrition. Fisheries, crops, and livestock are highly affected or become less productive. Even the marine resources that feed billions of people are at risk, with the ocean becoming more acidic. Ice-melting Arctic regions have affected food from herding, hunting, and fishing. Heat can affect water and grasslands. Therefore causing a decline in crop yields and thus affecting livestock.

More health risks

Climate change is the single biggest threat facing human life too. People in places where they cannot grow food or find enough food are already experiencing health impacts due to air pollution, disease, extreme weather events, forced displacement, and food insecurity. Every year, environmental factors take the lives of around 13 million people, and health systems have difficulty keeping up with extreme weather events due to changing weather patterns. Diseases are spreading and deaths are rising as a result of changing weather patterns.

Poverty and displacement

Climate change also affects the factors that put and keep people in poverty. Urban slums may be swept away by floods, destroying homes and livelihoods. Heat can make it challenging to work in outdoor jobs, and water scarcity may affect crops. During the period(2010–2019), weather-related events displaced an estimated 23.1 million people each year, leaving them much more vulnerable to poverty. Most refugees come from the most vulnerable countries and are least ready to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Climate change: Are scientists on the same page?

New technologies have helped scientists to collect information about our planet and its climate worldwide. These data, collected over many years, reveal the signs and patterns of a changing environment.

Scientists illustrated the heat-trapping nature of CO2 and other gases in the middle of the 19th century. Many science instruments in NASA study climate change and how these gases affect the movement of heat radiation through our atmosphere. 

How are climatic changes being resolved?

In executing its mission sustainability objectives are to:

  • High energy efficiency;
  • High the use of renewable energy;
  • Measure, report, and reduce the emission of greeenhouse gases;
  • Conserve and protect water bodiesthrough efficient reuse, and management of storm water;
  • Eliminate waste, prevention of pollution, and increase recycling of products;
  • Design, construction, maintainance of high-performance, sustainable buildings;
  • High utilization of power management options and reduce the number of agency data centres;
  • Assessment of agency climate change risks and vulnerabilities and development of mitigation and adaptation measures to manage both short- and long-term effects on mission and operations;
  • Maintain compliance with all laws and regulations related to energy efficiency and security, a healthy environment, and environmentally-sound operations; and
  • Comply with internal NASA requirements and agreements with other entities.



International Ozone Day

What is an Ozone Layer?

The ozone layer works as a protective screen, absorbing UV rays from the sun, commonly represented as O3 and comprises three oxygen atoms. This layer is located between 15 to 30 kilometres above the Earth’s surface in the stratosphere. It produces natural UV light from the sun, reacting with molecular oxygen (O2). However, in a nutshell, we could say that ozone serves as a layer that shields harmful rays and pollutants.

Causes and effects of Ozone layer depletion

Several regularly used compounds have been discovered to be particularly harmful to the ozone layer. Halocarbons are compounds with one or more carbon atoms bonded to halogen atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine). Bromine-containing halocarbons typically have a substantially higher ozone-depleting potential (ODP) than chlorine-containing halocarbons. The artificial substances that have provided the majority of the chlorine and bromine for ozone depletion are methyl bromide, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, and the halons, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and hydrochlorofluorocarbons families of chemicals (HCFCs).

Depletion of stratospheric ozone occurs over both hemispheres of the Earth. However, this phenomenon is less severe in the northern hemisphere (Arctic) than in the southern hemisphere (Antarctica). This is because meteorological variability is more significant over the Arctic than in the Antarctic year-to-year. Furthermore, temperatures in the stratosphere do not remain low for a long time in the Arctic, as in the case in the Antarctic.

The concentration levels of 220 Dobson Units (DU) or less (in blue in the figure) show severe ozone depletion and develop “ozone hole”. Basically, It is an area or a region of significant ozone layer thinning in high latitudes, primarily in winter, caused by the chemical action of CFCs and other atmospheric contaminants. This is only apparent in the southern hemisphere. Here, the most significant historical extent of the ozone hole – 28.4 million km2– occurred in September 2000. This area is equivalent to almost seven times the territory of the European Union (EU).

Maximum ozone hole extent over the southern hemisphere (1979-2021)

Preservation of the Ozone Layer

Hazardous chemicals emitted through aerosol sprays, refrigerants, solvents, propellants, foam-blowing agents, and other sources cause ozone layer depletion. UV radiations break down chlorofluorocarbon molecules in the stratosphere, releasing chlorine atoms. The influence of radiative forcing on the climate increases as greenhouse gas concentrations rise. The breakdown of stratospheric ozone by substances such as chlorine radicals increases UV radiation at the terrestrial level. These distinct occurrences are part of a more prominent family of global environmental changes. Scientists claim that in the early 1970s, stratospheric ozone levels in the polar regions began to decline. But the ozone’s condition has improved, according to a 2018 “Ozone Depletion Factor” measurement. Also, some of the climate change is now slowed down by continuous efforts.

World Ozone Day

Ozone Day aims to achieve the objectives of the Montreal Protocol and its amendments and promote public awareness about the importance of protecting the Ozone Layer from depletion. The ozone layer protects us from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UV rays). The Montreal Protocol forbids the use of substances that weaken the ozone layer with the long-term goal of eliminating them in light of new scientific and technological knowledge. Its structure is based on many categories of ozone-depleting chemicals. Nearly 100 substances across various types must be under control according to the Protocol. The Treaty lays out a timeline for phasing out the production and consumption of each class or annexe of chemicals to eliminate them.

Montreal Protocol (2022)

When the Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987, all 197 members of the United Nations voted in favour of it. The Canadian city of Montreal typically plans several special events, lectures, and seminars on September 16 every year. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) established International Day for preserving the Ozone Layer in 1994. The day’s primary goal is to raise awareness about the Ozone Layer’s depletion and to look for ways to protect it. On September 16th, people from all over the world will gather in Montreal to attend the speeches and seminars. Educators frequently set aside this day to teach their pupils about the Ozone layer, and many schools organise special events and activities to increase awareness.

The Montreal Protocol@35: The theme of the 2022 International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, which will be held on September 16th, is global cooperation to protect life on Earth. The theme recognises the Montreal Protocol’s broader impact on global warming and the need to act in harmony, form partnerships, and develop international collaboration to solve climate challenges and protect life on Earth for future generations.

Why is Ozone Day Important?

The ozone layer preserves life on Earth by absorbing harmful UV radiation, which is essential for life to exist on this planet. The ozone layer protects us from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UV rays). UV radiation from the sun causes cataracts, blindness, a weakened immune system, skin ageing, and other health issues. Direct UV radiation exposure in animals and humans promotes skin and eye cancer. UV-B rays also cause crop damage. UV-B exposure has a significant influence on plankton and zooplankton and a decrease in plant productivity which has an impact on soil erosion and the carbon cycle. Reduced plant growth, smaller leaf size, decreased blooming and photosynthesis, and lower crop quality.

How can we prevent ozone layer depletion

Here are some steps which each of us can put forward to protect the ozone layer from depletion :-

  • Consume ozone-depleting gases as little as possible.
  • Avoid burning plastics and rubber materials, which emit toxic fumes into the environment.
  • Reduce the use of smoke-emitting automobiles.
  • Try to replace hazardous cleaning products, cosmetics, hair spray, air fresheners, and other household products with non-toxic alternatives.
  • Encourage gardening and plantation to lower the risk of harmful pollutants in the atmosphere.
  • Maintain air conditioners as their malfunctioning generates CFC production.
  • Raise awareness on World Ozone Day about the significance of keeping our environment safe and healthy to protect the ozone layer.

Global warming

Why the world is now warming faster

Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants gather in the atmosphere trapping sunlight and solar radiation that has bounced off the earth’s surface. Usually, this radiation would escape into space. However, these pollutants linger in the atmosphere for centuries—trapping heat that causes the planet to heat up. Pollutants called greenhouse gases are responsible for trapping the heat from the atmosphere. Thus, the impact that contributes to these gases is the ” Greenhouse Effect”. Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and synthetic fluorinated gases are primary pollutants in the process.

Global annual temperatures have risen by more than 1 degree Celsius (approximately 2 degrees Fahrenheit). It rose by 0.07 degrees Celsius (0.13 degrees Fahrenheit) every 10 ten years between 1880 and 1980. However, the rate of increase has more than doubled since 1981. Over the last 40 years, the global annual temperature has risen by 0.18 degrees Celsius (0.32 degrees Fahrenheit) per decade. India is the third-largest emitter of carbon dioxide after China and the US, and this is because of its rapidly growing population and an economy heavily dependent on coal and other fossil fuels. The nation’s Prime Minister committed that it would reduce the emission intensity of its economy to 45% from 33–35% in the previous years by 2030.

Temperature records by countries (or continent) (2015-2020)

The International governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that global economies keeping their target of achieving global net-zero emissions will help the world minimise overall temperature rise to 1.5OC. There are more than 140 countries have given their consent and promised to achieve this. Also to work towards achieving this ambitious target in the coming decades.

As a tropical developing economy, India faces more significant challenges. Mainly in coping with adverse climate changes in recent years than other countries. The Central Government launched the National Clean Air Programme as a long-term, time-bound and nationwide strategy. This is to tackle the air pollution problem with a target of 20-30% reduction.      

“Statista – How India is heating up (1911-2020)”

The country is planning to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070   

As part of this, India’s journey to Net Zero emissions and new climate change targets appear to be ambitious. And towards achieving this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a five-fold strategy named ‘Panchamitra’. This is done at the 26th Conference of Parties (CoP26), which states that;

  • The country’s non-fossil energy will be increased to 500 gigawatts by 2030: Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has projected the country’s energy mix for 2030. And as per this projection, the country’s installed capacity of non-fossil energy for electricity generation in 2019 was 134GW. 522GW will increase by 2030, which requires a solar and wind energy capacity of 280 GW and 140 GW, respectively, with a total installed capacity of 817 GW with a power generation of 2518 billion units by 2030.
  • 50% of the country’s energy requirement will be met from renewable energy by 2030. As per the estimates with CEA, 9.2% of the county’s electricity requirement are being met from renewables by 2019. In 2021, this has increased to 12%, with an increase in renewable energy capacity by 102 GW. That means that India needs to increase this exponentially to meet 50% electricity generation by 2030. The country’s power requirement is expected to touch 2518 billion by 2030. And to meet this requirement, the capacity has to increase to 700GW from the present 450 GW. And considering hydroelectricity as part of this will require raising the new renewable power to 630GW, which is obviously achievable.
  • The total projected carbon emission by the country will reduce to one billion tonnes by 2030. The current CO2 emission by the government estimates at 2.88 GT. And as per the projections by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), the country’s CO2 emission on account of business activities will be 4.48 Gt by 2030. But the government is planning to cut its carbon emission by 10 billion tons, making its emissions in 2030 at 3.48 GT. This shows the country’s ambitious target to cut its emissions by 22% in the coming years.
  • The country will reduce the carbon intensity of its economy by less than 45% by 2030. Thus helping the country to achieve;
  • The target of Net-Zero by 2070: As per the estimates of CSE, between 2005-2016, the country has achieved a 25% reduction in its emission intensity and is on its way to earning more than 40% by 2030. India will improve measures to reduce emissions from various sectors like transportation and other energy-intensive industries like cement, iron, steel, non-metallic and chemicals. All these efforts by the country will help it become a Net Zero by 2070.

COP26: India’s efforts to combat climate change

In November 2021, the COP26 global summit, held in Glasgow, had a significant role in bringing climate change under control. Around 200 countries have been asked to plan efficient ways to cut emissions.

As per the UN Environment Program’s Emission Gap Report estimates, India is only the major economy on track to achieving its target set out in the Paris Climate Agreement. The country plans to reduce its GDP’s emission intensity, i.e. a significant reduction in the volume of carbon emissions emitted for every unit of its GDP by nearly around 35% by 2030. Further, as per the reports by the Environment Ministry, India has achieved its ambitious target of reducing the emission intensity of its GDP by over 21% in 2020. The country is almost nearing its goal of reaching about 40% share of non-fossil fuel-based electricity generation capacity.

Further, the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change state that the country is favourable toward the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. The government has taken several initiatives over the past few years, including setting up the International Solar Alliances and Coalition for Disaster.

Significant impacts of global warming

Climate change can bring multiple changes in different regions, expected to worsen with further warming. These changes include; Change in wetness and dryness, Changes to winds, snow and ice, coastal areas and oceans. For instance,

  • The water cycle is intensified because of severe climate change, resulting in intense rainfall, flooding, and more intense drought in many regions.
  • Climate change will affect rainfall and alter monsoon precipitation in different regions.
  • The continued sea-level rise will result in frequent and severe coastal flooding, especially in low-lying areas.
  • Global warming will also lead to the loss of seasonal snow cover, and melting of glaciers and ice sheets.
  • Changes to the oceans on account of warmings, such as frequent marine heatwaves, ocean acidification and reduced oxygen levels, will affect the ocean ecosystems and the people who rely on them.
  • For cities, warming will increase heat, flooding because of heavy and frequent precipitations, and sea-level rise in coastal areas.

The rise in carbon dioxide emission from fossil fuel combustion (1750-2020)

Climate Change (2020-2029 in comparison with 2090-2099)

Global warming and the greenhouse effect

At present human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are much higher than ever. And if the warming trends continue at the current rate, it will take the estimated global heating up to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result of which, the earth’s climate system, in many ways, like;

  • More frequent and intense weather events include heat waves, hurricanes, droughts and floods.
  • Rising sea level because of melting glaciers and sea ice and increased ocean temperature.
  • Changes the ecosystems and natural habitat.

And these changes not only create a risk to the plants and wildlife and have a direct impact on the overall population.

Analysis by Nasa Earth Observatory – Global Temperature Anomaly (1880-2020)

What can be done to tackle the greenhouse effect

According to IPCC, countries should focus on decreasing their greenhouse gas pollution by 45% by 2030 to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Reducing greenhouse gas will require significant efforts at the international, national and country levels. And as a foremost step towards this,

  • Countries should reduce fossil fuel production, consumption, and pollution using cleaner and renewable energy sources.
  • Significant efforts must be made to protect forests, reduce deforestation to all possible extent, and reduce food waste and emissions.
  • Every individual must be committed to taking carbon-cutting actions in their daily life.

Some possible solutions to combat global warming

  • Save energy at home: Where possible, use compact fluorescent lights (CFL) bulbs than regular light bulbs. CFLs use two-thirds less energy and last longer than standard bulbs.
  • Use less heat and air conditioning: Installing weather strippings or caulking around windows and doors will lower the energy to heat and cool the homes by 25%. Keeping the thermostat just 2 degrees lower in winters and higer in summers will help save about 2000 pounds of carbon dioxide every year.
  • Plant a tree: Planting suitable trees around residential areas and parkways helps to reduce energy usage during hot summers.
  • Buy fuel-efficient cars or hybrid vehicles: Buying a fuel-efficient car will save money and pollute less than engine run vehicles. Further, buying a hybrid vehicle will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Switch to Biofuel: Adopt new methods to use biofuel, alternative to the current petroleum derivatives. This for a long term creates the major impact and save our planet from future disasters.
  • Walk, bike or take public transport: Rather than using private vehicles to cover shorter distances, using public transportation will significantly reduce the amount o air pollution. Committing to using public transit will lower the emissions to a great extent.
  • Inflate your tires: Keeping your vehicle’s tires adequate inflated will save 250 lbs of CO2.
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle: All possible attempts should be made to reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Further buying products with little packaging will help to minimise waste. Also, recycling half of the household waste saves considerable carbon emissions annually.
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